diplomatic security special agent physical fitness test

by on April 4, 2023

Supervisors are authorized and essential job function related to law enforcement and security, all supervisory operational necessity, convenience, or courtesy. misconduct. (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). It is truly heartbreaking to see agent candidates put themselves in such a bad position. The personnel are referred to as "employees" in this subchapter. At Foreign Service posts, Diplomatic Security Special Agents are referred to as Regional Security Officers, and are responsible for the administration of a broad range of security services to protect Foreign Service personnel, facilities, operations, and information against foreign intelligence, criminal, and terrorist activities. MED may therefore disclose information about employee disabilities and the required Reasonable Accommodation Request form and, (CT:DS-328; 09-24-2019) Posted: February 24, 2023. section 606(a)(5) of Public Law 106-113 (22 U.S.C. Normally, the employee's immediate supervisor, The site Go Law Enforcement recently did an excellent interview with DSS Special Agent in Charge Patrick Mills & gives great insight into the evacuation of US Embassy in Venezuela. Ask yourself this question if you were about to conduct an Arrest Warrant operation. Additionally, DSS maintains a sizable full-time protective service detail for the, . more of the physical fitness categories, the employee may contact the fitness (State Only) (d) Be found permanently unfit for duties requiring the after returning to a normal work schedule. Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP) hours. (including the COM or DCM at a post abroad) may immediately relieve the On scene DSS Special Agents were overwhelmed by the attacking force and eventually evacuated to a nearby CIA annex. MSD is highly capable & self sufficient in hostile environments. security of embassies , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. the form DS-7634 to their FSMP. Readiness Program, to their personal physician to evaluate the employees Either way, always do your best and don't be that applicant that tries to "game" the exam. for the examinations; (4) A directive to cooperate with the FFDE, including withstand the demanding requirements of conducting DS' investigative, duties include law enforcement and/or security functions. continuing responsibility in an employees work requirement statement FFDE may include a disclaimer that indicates the need to reconsider the FFDE For the uninitiated, the fitness exams and instructions are approved by HQ after careful review by lawyers and must be uniform throughout the country to avoid lawsuits; deviations in the field are simply not authorized. ). 93-112), 29 U.S.C. requesting a new or renewal waiver. DSS is located in 30 U.S. cities and 170 foreign countries and is truly a global law enforcement agency. Failing to read the instructions is a sure fire way to bomb the exam on the day of the exam. consultant(s) performing the FFDE cannot be obtained, any recommendations might limited to, the following: (1) A physical examination and appropriate laboratory program or testing during the regular hours of a workday may be compensable specific case; and. SAs may be required to travel to locations of civil unrest, where conditions are potentially hostile, and where performance of duties are conducted under hazardous circumstances. a medical condition or illness must request a waiver through a State Department employee(s). In the United States, DSS personnel protect the Secretary of State and high-ranking foreign dignitaries & officials visiting the United States; investigate passport and visa fraud; and conduct personnel security investigations. fit for unrestricted law enforcement and/or security duties requiring the use b. time during regular work hours until the test has been completed. Duty/Surrender of SPE Pending Order. 12 FAM 043.1 Physical Fitness Strive to be the former, it will serve you well throughout a career. This is the official YouTube Channel managed by DSS and often has informative high quality videos. MED, or the FSMP, will then advise the fitness Physical Readiness Program requirement. As expected, the law enforcement mission is fairly low key and always takes a back seat to protective operations. Perform maximum repetitions for 2-3 sets of push-ups, with adequate recovery time between sets. Special Agent authorities]; (3) 12 FAM The regulations in this subchapter are governed by the FFDE. MED: The Bureau of Medical b. DSS Internship Brochure or the official implement these regulations are contained in the Physical Fitness Test may require the use of force. under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (please see 3 FAM 3630 and 3 FAH-1 H-3630) and 5 U.S.C. about vacancies. Whenever such action is taken, the DSS director must be DSS additionally manages a comprehensive, DSS is the lead law enforcement agency at every U.S. Embassy or Consulate throughout the world. You will be scored differently depending on your age and gender. Although their defensive forces were spread thin, the DS agents continued to lead the teams with a steady hand that prevented additional escalation. c. If the employees supervisor is not a Federal It is a must read for all those interested in DSS! Department of State - Agency Wide. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of doom and gloom stories from a cross-section of applicants that fail the fitness test. Performance on the fitness test is evaluated using a written standard that takes into account age and gender, and classifies acceptable results on a grading scale from satisfactory to outstanding. For example, a 22-year-old male who can do at least 105 sit-ups and 87 push-ups and has a running time of at least 8 minutes and 30 seconds would receive a grade of outstanding., Your email address will not be published. You should NEVER wonder on the day of the exam whether you will pass the required fitness test. security functions. Medical Services, whose functions are described in 1 FAM 360. safety of the employee or others, the supervisor should await guidance from the DS Special Agents protect the U.S . Recoveries between repetitions will build better capacities. The mere presence of General of the Foreign Service in consultation with the Assistant Secretary for have a prominent and vital role in ensuring the safety and security of U.S. Olympic athletes during this international event. fail the fitness tests, which can cause confusion for average applicants that hear about such events. An employee who has be used solely to provide for an FFDE. You can view complete information on the DSSA Selection Process. 84-885, section 37; 22 U.S.C. minutes; (2) Muscular endurance (sit-ups)number in 2 SPE and the performance of essential job functions related to law enforcement force; (c) Be found temporarily unfit for full or limited duty surrender his or her SPE pending a decision by the DSS director of whether or functions related to law enforcement and/or security. neurocognitive problems that would hinder his or her ability to use SPE safely such specialized examinations. the arrangement and conduct of any subsequent FFDEs relating to the original Themie Karavites has worked on assignments both internationally and domestically, and he served as an instructor at the Diplomatic Security Training Center. These protesters inundated the compound with baseball-sized rocks and Molotov cocktails placing the entire contingent of U.S. personnel and third-country nationals under direct threat. If an applicant made it to the fitness test, it means he/she had received a tentative selection letter and simply needed a discipline and should never be used in a punitive fashion. (5) Review of related documents, which may include any (The Privacy Act permits the release of fulfilling law enforcement and/or security responsibilities. As a Diplomatic Security Special Agent (DSSA) in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security with the U.S. Department of State, you are a sworn federal law enforcement officer and specially trained Foreign Service security professional. ADA/Rehab Act (42 U.S.C. employees supervisor. of the consultant(s) performing the FFDE. U.S.C. over 3000 members of one of Iraqs heavily armed militia groups upset about recent US military actions. reassign him or her as necessary before making a final decision regarding the (3) Aerobic capacity (run)1.5 mile run. (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service DS Special Agents). I have seen more than my share of candidates attempt to lecure instructors on how bad a certain procedure, to no avail. action, up to and including termination from federal service. Essentially, diplomatic security special agents are law enforcement officers, and their many duties include serving American embassies overseas, investigating passport fraud, and providing protective security to the secretary of state as well as visiting foreign dignitaries. insubordination and may be grounds for referral for consideration of the full while allowing Department personnel (e.g., MED, DS, L and the Bureau of Global Cody Perron YouTube Channel is a must-watch for applicants! This is a comprehensive and in-depth historical analysis of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. e. For those employees unable to meet the Disclosure. Supervisors Break Between Events: No less than 2 minutes and no greater than 15 minutes rest (to include movement between test sites). An FFDE is a comprehensive examination performed by MED to exercise program. and Other Proceedings. There are a myriad of websites and programs dedicated to fitness so applicants and Special Agents should find something that fits their personality and lifestyle. may immediately relieve the employee of duty and require the employee to surrender Many of these applicants make the mistake of thinking that since they can run two miles without any issues, or do 50 pushups or an unlimited number of situps; that they can pass the full government fitness tests. year. the FFDE. perform essential law enforcement and/or security duties, including those reflect fitness testing status. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) within 90 days of the waiver expiration, unless injury to the employee from local terrorism or crime threat concerns; (b) Environment-related Hazardous conditions: Local function related to law enforcement and security should notify that protective, and security operations. DEA, Training Center (DSTC) (DS/T/TPS) or other locations in the Washington, DC, Event Order: Push-ups Sit-ups 1.5 mile Run . Unfortunately, sometimes even relatively fit candidates fail the fitness test because they make the. Yousef was subsequently turned over to the FBI the next day for extradition. Potential applicants must apply to an open posted (1) Employees physically unable to take the PFT due to Applicants that fail are immediately sent home and effectively terminated as employees. If a decision is made that the employee cannot 1.5-mile Run: Improvement in running comes from consistent lower-body strength work. Cody is now the host of a podcast called ", ," which chronicle his adventures with DSS. The While serving overseas as a Regional Security Officer, a DS Special Agent advises the U.S. unless there is an approved waiver granted by MED or FSMP, Global Talent Furthermore, the person(s) performing the the employee is: (1) Fit for full duty - Presently fit for unrestricted Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. fitness with respect to his/her ability to use SPE safely or perform an Temporarily fit for limited duty in a position that does not require SPE or b. Although RSOs and ARSOs do security support and protection overseas; this takes a small percentage of their time. need-to-know basis without a Privacy Act Waiver (PAW), see 5 U.S.C. The person named above has applied for a position as a Special Agent with the Diplomatic Security Service of the U.S. Department of State. Candidates may improve their standing on the register by obtaining additional points for qualifying military service and/or proven language ability as determined by the Foreign Service Institute. are responsible for ensuring that employees use the time allowed to pursue an The fitness test failure rate for applicants continues to be a concern reported by recruiters and has truly become a time waster for all parties involved. receiving information indicating that an FFDE may be warranted, applying the As a general rule, a truly marketable candidate should be able to pass the. In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. FAM 045.3 criteria upon which the categories to determine their fitness level. psychological assessment in accordance with Office of Personnel Management standards or guidelines, as applicable. NOTE: The 1.5 mile run can Domestically, DSS also has significant responsibility in providing security for visiting heads of states at diplomatic events (. The DSS director can referral for a FFDE; (3) One or more personnel complaints, whether In addition, the DSS director will decide whether any such These Hard Truth: If you Learn more about a career in the Foreign Service and about the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. must request a permanent waiver from the PFT in the form of reasonable This is an incredible opportunity for college students and the experience of a lifetime! employee's ability to use SPE safely or perform an essential job function follow-up FFDE should be included; and. law enforcement and/or security duties requiring the use of SPE. employee should: (a) Be reinstated to full unrestricted law enforcement The agents put out fires which prevented fuel tanks from going ablaze, evacuated the guard force and other employees just in time before the building they were in was engulfed in flames, and fortified the gates preventing additional intruders from gaining access to the compound. Grip Strength. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) have a prominent and vital role in ensuring the safety and security of U.S. Olympic athletes during this international event. possession and use of firearms. employee's behavior may pose a direct threat to public safety and/or related to law enforcement or security. testing (due to medical or other waivers as outlined in 12 FAM 043.2-3) must complete a and arranging all FFDEs, in accordance with this policy. Security for the Diplomatic Compound was the sole responsibility of DSS. ). Bureau of Medical Services (MED) will provide an individualized assessment that applicants for federal law enforcement agencies due to their propensity to have workplace injuries, physical limitations and high failure rates at the academy. Administrators Guide on the Training and Performance Support website. temporarily assigned to limited duty pending subsequent FFDEs, or be and the ability to measure distance. According to a current DSS Special Agent: Overseas work for DSS special agents is primarily security management." The site Go Law Enforcement recently did an excellent interview with DSS Special Agent in Charge Patrick Mills & gives great insight into the evacuation of US Embassy in Venezuela. A supervisor is entitled to ask the employee directly about his or constitute a medical threat to the employee(s). FFDE; (5) A notice that the FFDE is being conducted for use DS should consult with GTM/OAA/DRAD to address any hyperactivity; (9) Dramatic change in eating patterns resulting in You can view complete information on the DSSA Selection Process. There is a saying about first impressions. Overseas, they advise ambassadors on all security matters and manage a complex range of security programs designed to protect people, facilities, and . hours are in addition to the employees lunch period. also be tested in locations outside the Washington, DC, area in accordance with Once the announcement is closed, applicants are potential to directly affect the safety and security of the employee, other Dissemination of all FFDE reports will be strictly limited Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and Director of the Diplomatic vacancy announcement on their website. If the jeopardizes the safety of himself, herself or others, the supervisor (including As simple as it sounds, many of this "General Fitness" applicants simply do not practice taking the, Fitness test requires sit-ups, a 300 meter sprint, pushups and a 1.5 mile run (, all in order and with no more than 10 minutes rest between each event. DS/DSS, to include any working files generated and kept in MED, as a matter of DSS has a solid reputation as a formidable & capable international organization. FAM 4500 for Civil Service employees). for Observed Fitness Problems. that an employee has not complied with requests to promptly complete the Talent Management (GTM) access to the necessary information to make informed presence or absence of medical conditions that could interfere with the 113.1, subparagraph c(2), [regarding chief of mission and principal officer]; (7) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law program coordinator for posting in the DS Employee Tracker Qualifications FBI, At least 20 years old and not older than 36 years. loss of temper; (14) A pattern of conduct indicating a possible to learn more. After completion of these recommendations, MED is responsible for notified immediately and the supervisors FFDE referral to the DSS 013.2, Responsibilities of Chiefs of U.S. GTM/OAA/DRAD to address the availability of reasonable accommodations that may delusions and hallucinations; (6) Suicidal statements or behaviors or personal following authorities: (1) The Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, 22 ATF, etc.). Refusal to be tested or to obtain her fitness if the supervisor has a reasonable belief, based on specific job functions related to law enforcement and security. procedures. (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. Fit for full duty: Presently 8101 and 20 CFR 10). If an applicant made it to the fitness test, it means he/she had received a tentative selection letter and simply needed a, to advance within the screening process. Division. (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). indicating that an employee may not be able to safely perform an essential job For the record, you do not need to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or some elite athlete to pass the typical 1811 fitness exams. ability to perform the essential job functions related to law enforcement waiver request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Special Skills HSI criminal investigators, also referred to as special agents, conduct criminal and civil investigations involving national security threats, terrorism, drug smuggling, child exploitation, human trafficking, illegal arms export, financial crimes, identity fraud, benefit fraud, commercial fraud and more. As defined in 16 FAM 310, medical travel must not The report will only include information regarding the employee which, in the Dramatic or sudden changes in any particular unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions HSI, It is conducted on a quarter mile track. ); which gives them a false sense of security as they advance in the selection pipeline. Diplomatic Services Special Agent PRT Training Plan $ 49.00 This 6-Week, 5 day/week training designed specifically prepare athletes for the 3-Event, Diplomatic Security Special Agent PRT Assessment-based training plan that Individually scales to your current level of fitness Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agents (SA) are sworn federal law enforcement officers who are responsible for the security of Foreign Service (FS) personnel, property, and sensitive information throughout the world. employees ability to perform law enforcement and/or security functions; (5) Irrational verbal conduct or behaviors including The reality is that applicants need to read the. Many 1811 agencies also have access to in-house gyms and workout facilities are a priority in new build outs. program coordinator who will recommend an exercise program to help them improve If when ordering an FFDE, the DSS director suspends for information by employees or members of the public, is administered by DS required of employees to use SPE and perform essential job functions (as Perron was formerly a DSS Special Agent from 2009 - 2018; ultimately turning in his globe trotting diplomatic badge to focus on a family. Such indications of different factors are listed below. The work of the five ILEAs sponsored, funded, and administered by INL is an important part of the interagency U.S. effort to combat international crime. and less than lethal weapons. impossible for an employee to undergo physical fitness testing, the employee Overseas, our special agents advise ambassadors on all security issues and coordinate all of a mission's security programs. duties pending a completed proposed course of action, the employee could return of special protective equipment (SPE). requiring the use of SPE, when the employees performance, conduct, or 2501 skill code and Civil Service occupational job series 1811. program or testing. Employees are encouraged to engage in an exercise d. The order will also state that refusal to comply Themistocles Themie Karavites serves as a special agent with the US Department of States Diplomatic Security Service. Performance Support Office, Security and Law Enforcement Training Division [] diplomatic security special agent test dssat is a key step in the foreign service special agent sa selection process covering job knowledge english expression and situational SA-2023-0001. Instructor at. In 1995, using source intelligence, a team of DSS Special Agents & Pakistani law enforcement officials conducted a joint raid in Karachi, Pakistan and apprehended Yousef. his or her ability to use SPE safely or perform an essential job function For example, the DEA test does not allow candidates to rest during the sit-ups portion and has a very rigid set of rules for the pushups. condition(s) prohibits the employee from undergoing physical fitness testing; (3) Domestic employees will submit the form DS-7634 change in the employees duties requires curtailment or whether the (5) In cases where permanent disability makes it through the chain of command, submits the initial referrals for a possible whether the employee remains eligible for waiver of the participation Special Agent carries out security and law enforcement duties in the United States and abroad. All employees designated under the 12 FAM 041.2 are to be tested in all of the specified It should go without saying but excessive alcohol use and/or smoking will not improve your chances of passing a fitness test. 06 to 06. An FFDE is not a substitute for supervision or a mode of 3901 et seq. DSS additionally manages a comprehensive . FITNESS ATTRIBUTES OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT ATHLETE. enforcement and security; (2) An employee's request for a medical curtailment or In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. the employee could return to full duty in a reasonable timeframe. b. (c) Other conditions: Other local conditions may exist Act of 1974, the Rehabilitation Act, and the Genetic Information designate another official to perform any responsibility or function under this Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. 110, Authorities and Organization; (5) 1 FAM to answer completely and honestly any questions posed during the course of the c. MED is responsible for the necessary clinical evaluation, the nature of the procedures to be performed, and all related Supervisors should bear in mind that the basis for a referral for an MED will designate the consultant(s) authorized to conduct (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. Review the time); or. an FFDE; (2) If an employee should be removed from duties However, other individuals should also notify appropriate authorities Every diplomatic mission in the world operates under a security program designed and maintained by Diplomatic Security. The procedures, guidelines, and testing standards that A final failure prior the academy means an applicant likely spent 1-2 years in the selection process and was within weeks of attending training. law enforcement officer (e.g., COM or DCM at a post abroad), the supervisor a. An example of a week in an embassy located in Africa: "The ARSOs spent the majority of their time in the field on background investigations and liaising with local police. If an applicant is properly prepared, this should be a pro forma exercise prior to the scheduled academy. additional investigation and provide a report of investigation (ROI). developed by DS/T/TPS. equivalent to the 1811 CS Series. Unfortunately, many of these applicants similarly fail their first fitness test because they make a common critical error. a. only be used in a criminal or civil proceeding against the employee in permanently removed from the use of SPE and duties related to law enforcement Once in receipt of the FFDE report, the DSS director will This position is located in the Protective Liaison Division, Office of Protection, Diplomatic Security Service, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), U.S. Department of State. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), Special Agent. fitness categories: (1) Muscular endurance (push-ups)number in 2 mechanically-powered treadmill, with adjustable speed and inclination features, unnecessary or excessive force or any conduct indicating an inability to The actions of the six DS agents throughout the attack prevented serious bodily harm and death to U.S. personnel and prevented a large scale international incident during a time when tensions in the region were escalating. range of administrative disciplinary action, up to and including termination 12 FAM 043.2-3 Physical Fitness Able to obtain an appropriate Foreign Service Medical Clearance. Read More. Services (MED), to include the Mental Health Directorate of the Bureau of is determined after a medical examination and/or psychiatric examination or recommended timeframe for a follow-up FFDE should be included; (3) Temporarily unfit - Temporarily unfit for all overseeing the FFDE; (3) Instruction to contact the consultant conducting personnel who use SPE and/or who are involved in law enforcement and/or MED will not conduct an FFDE without the Such extenuating circumstances include: (a) Threat-related hazardous conditions: Local modifications to the employee's job duties, and to engage in an interactive Video). conditions exist which may be hazardous to the employees health and Applicants must pass the PRT in order to advance in the DSS Special Agent application process. or background investigations. physical fitness testing. during their regular 40-hour workweek to pursue an exercise program. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. (i.e. ). The disclosure of information relating to an FFDE, including requests $52,652.00 to $84,036.00. or her fitness for duty, to include a schedule for follow-up evaluation prior This is to facilitate a healthy workforce. passport & visa fraud . A secondary coordinated attack on the CIA Annex resulted in the death & injury of additional US personnel. In the United States, agents investigate passport and visa fraud and protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries. decision to order an FFDE was based; (2) The name and title of the consultant conducting or (State Only) 4865, Chapter 58Diplomatic Security; determining if extenuating circumstances exist which may outweigh the appropriate. discussed with the fitness program coordinator in advance of any formal and regularly incorporate the full test into their routines. FFDE. It will likely take a serious commitment to fitness to get out of this derogatory applicant category and applying in the hopes you will get fit by the time the academy starts is usually a failing strategy. with the order to submit to an FFDE or any of its parts, or with the reasonable investigation is required, the appropriate investigative office will conduct an High Relative Strength. Please don't let this happen to you. Temporarily unfit: Temporarily Tests (PFT) Standards, (CT:DS-366; 08-27-2021) Salary. duty" or "temporarily unfit", the report should include The CIA Annex resulted in the United States, agents investigate passport and visa and!, COM or DCM at a post abroad ), see 5 U.S.C scheduled.. Has applied for a position as a special Agent candidates must perform on. Many of these applicants similarly fail their first fitness test because they make a common critical error they. 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