the civil war bruce catton summary

by on April 4, 2023

The writing is superb making the book a pleasure to read. Includes initial monthly payment and selected options. In Shermans mind war was horrible and the only humane way to fight a war was bring it to as fast an end possible. If the request had been made earlier in the war, it might have been granted because the southern cause was hopeful and it would have benefited France and Britain more. The second way was cutting a channel from the Mississippi to Lake Providence to deepen the streams that ran from it but they could not get enough shallow-draft steamers. Bruce Catton was a highly distinguished and respected Civil War historian, writing numerous books about the period. Chapter 4: This is a book on how an army overcomes the trials and tribulations of a very difficult time in our history. Lincoln had the Emancipation Proclamation ready but waited until the Battle of Antietam because he needed a major Union victory before he unveiled it. There were either going to be extremely good consequences coming out of it or extremely bad. 3. Chapter 6: Chapter 11 tells us about how the lack of industrialism in the South damaged the Confederacy in the Civil War. Also, Jeb Stuart was out of touch with Lee for ten days in an attempt to go around Hookers army. Easy to read. In chapter one, we are introduced to the issues leading up to the Civil War. It was a test of the authority of the President to suspend "the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus" under the Constitution's Suspension Clause, when Congress was in recess and therefore unavailable to do so itself. He also signed a document that said if the Confederates surrendered, they would not be disturbed by Federal authority. Hooker sp;it his army into three armies. He correctly noted many Northern soldiers fought the war to preserve the Union rather than end slavery. Fort Henry was built on low ground, partly underwater because the Tennessee River was almost at flood levels, and the gunboats obliterated the fort before the infantry even got a chance to really get into the fighting. Photo by Library of Congress (File:Bruce Catton LC-USZ62-132904.jpg) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. These armies were : the army of the Potomac, army of the Cumberland, and the army of Tennessee. Rather they had farmers and other rural folk fight for what they believe a God given right. With that being said, the South took the initiative to build iron clad steam boats. A wonderful short book that is a survey of the Civil War. In the late 18th century, most people were beginning to see that slavery was not as effective as it once was, and many were willing to do away with it. With this approach the author is able to narrate the war as a comprehensible story, elucidating how one event leads to another and how they progress in a historical arch. Reflections On The Civil War, by Bruce Catton, edited by John Leekley As someone who grew up greatly appreciating Bruce Catton's historiography on the Civil War, I consider it a shame that he died before I had the chance to get to know him at all personally and write him fan mail as a child The fifth column did not have a very big outcome on the war. Catton said that the Emancipation Proclamation was absurd because it was only effective as a rallying cry because it did not free slaves in the North and did not have any power over the seceded states. Fought at the same time in early July, 1863, the Battle of Gettysburg and Battle of Vicksburg broke the back of the Confederacy. If your looking for a series on the civil war, all inclusive, this is not the book for you. Lincoln just eventually decided to surround the Southern coast. In the fighting surrounding the Second Battle of Bull Run, what two armies did Lee and Jackson face? This is where the war ended. With so much material to consume I wanted to find a relatively short primer on the war. Chapter 6-Discusses the fighting of the summer of 1862 which was the high mark for the Confederate forces during the war. 4. Who were the most important generals in the North and the South prior to the start of the war? As a result, you will need to read a minimum of three chapters in a seven day week and make at least three entries on the blog. These battles reflected the high point and low point of the Confederate Army of Tennessee and another turning point of the war in that it led to Grants promotion. Everything was destroyed they had to completely rebuild. I hope you are enjoying the book. It made me think of what my professors used to describe as the mythical antebellum South as portrayed in such books as *Gone with the Wind*. This was an important place to hold because of the railroad. Together this is a great set for the history buff! In the Western theater of the war, Sherman was in command of everything. This strategy was used with Kentucky. Catton does a fantastic job giving the reader an overall picture of the political, social, military aspects of the war in a non biased, concise and easy-to-read work of nonfiction. What factors allowed the Union farmer to increase production and enjoy the wealth of the war years? Napoleon III took great political advantage of the Civil War. Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It serves as a great foundation of information for a topic that is as deep as it is wide. However, an accounting of the war must confront the affirmative evil that was slavery an issue side stepped here. What was the naval objective of the United States during the Civil War? - Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book. I learned a whole lot and I enjoyed it at the same time. At the end of the chapter, Catton states that everything is in the hands of Grant. How did it ensure the end to slavery? The British were outraged by this because they thought the Americans had no right to stop one of their ships. Hooker planned to use his calvary to cut off Lees communication with Richmond. Another reason was that most of the war was fought on southern territory. Lincoln and Stanton were uneasy about this plan because it left Washington vulnerable to a sudden Confederate thrust so they ordered McClellan to leave enough troops to ensure Washingtons safety. The army of the Tennessee was not in Tennessee but was mostly stationed along the Mississippi river. 2. Sheridan beat Early and forced him to retreat. There was a problem loading your book clubs. The Democrats were hoping that the nationwide weariness of war would convince people to support their party, but Lincoln ultimately won the election. Donnelson was a considerably tougher battle to win. This victory gave one less place to bring important goods into the South. Grain and meat were in demand as well as leather. Once again, to get to Richmond Hooker had to go through Lee and his 60,000 soldiers. January 6. Covers all aspects of the Civil War from pre-war to post-war. The war was not going to be one from naval battles so the Union decided that they would just blockade the Souths harbors. The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. Chapter 17: They were losing most of the battles they fought, and things were looking hopeless. How did the failure of Beauregards strategy actually help ensure a Confederate victory? From 1961 to 1965, the Centennial of the Civil War was commemorated, and Catton published his Centennial History of the Civil War trilogy. He decided to simply close the ports, and they began building and employing any boat they could to patrol the seaboard. He was selfish in his and his states interest to the detriment of the country. On the night of the first day of Shiloh in which Grants army had almost been driven into the Tennessee River by AS Johnston, Sherman was overhead telling him, We have had the devils own day. Grant responds, Yea, but well lickem tomorrow. Juan Carlos Buells refinforcements show up that night and they drove the Confederates from the battlefield the next day! He made a French state in Mexico (violating the Monroe Doctrine) and made Maximilian the Emperor of Mexico. His account of battles is carefully interwoven with the political activities of the Union and Confederate armies and diplomatic efforts overseas. What impact did Gettysburg and Vicksburg have on the British entry into the war? The officers and soldiers would be seen fist fighting or challenge each other to duels. There were three key battles during the Civil War that were the turning point of the war, and helped the Union realize they could win this war. It had the usual Generals and dates and locations. Chapter 6 in detail discusses the second battle of Bull Run. Were their other issues besides slavery that led to conflict between the North and South? Imagine a coin so old it was circulated during the Civil War, maybe a general held it in his pocket during a battle. Ex parte Merryman, 17 F. Cas. In the Shenandoah Valley, Johnston had feigned an offensive and sent Patterson into a sense of preparation for an attack. These forts gave the Union control of the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. The determination of both factions started as contradiction in Kansas and quickly turned to violence with potential of popular sovereignty. . Everyone thought his plans would never work, because everyone knew about them. yeah This book is very informative on the Army of the Pottomic and how the Lincoln administration nearly destroyed it by manhandling it. Also, transportation in the South was much worse than that in the North. Now that most of you are engaged, I would like to make a suggestion. The classic one-volume history of the American Civil War simultaneously captures the dramatic scope and intimate experience of that epic struggle, by Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Catton. He said himself I was to go for Joe Johnston.. What would have been the probable result if Lincoln had lost the election? It is usually easier to defend than to attack in warfare as the book says. Ch. Chapter 2: "Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton." They had over eighty ships but none of them were suitable for the task they were trying to accomplish. Once slavery was abolished, i believe the south became more industrial. The north was still under the leadership of Winfield Scott, but both had rising stars such as McClellan, McDowell, Lee, Grant, and Johnston. First, his pontoon trains that were needed to cross the Rappahannock River had gone astray and were two weeks late in arriving, giving Lee plenty of time to prepare for a defensive battle against Burnside. The Breakup of the Union Known as a narrative historian, Catton specialized in popular history, featuring colorful characters and historical vignettes, in addition to the basic facts, dates, and analyses. Details; Description; Reviews; The pages turn themselves. Grant won the battle with help from reinforcements, and captured 15,000 confederates along the way. The three armies combined under Shermans command in the West were the Army of the Tennessee (under James McPherson), the Army of the Cumberland (under Thomas), and the Army of the Ohio (a very small army under John Schofield). Something that covers the larger conflicts, movementsboth political and militarily, yet more well-written than your standard U.S. History textbook. Ch. Lee surrendered his army completely instead of just letting them fight to the death. For what reasons did Beauregard and Albert Sydney Johnston combine their forces in defense of Corinth? The cabinet disapproved this agreement and ordered Grant to go to Sherman and resume hostilities with Johnston immediately. mr.catton's writing style is distinctly in the way of a novelist, i've read countless books on the civil war era of american history, and bruce catton is simply the best. The Army of the Potomac in Virginia was led by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside. This chapter explains how the typical american soldier varies from that of a european one. Lee and Jackson were to face Pope and McClellan in the Second Battle of Bull Run. It appears Caleb, Chessa, nor Stephen have answered question one so thats what Im going to answer. # 3. But Rosecrans took it too far and tried it again and Bragg stood his ground and forced Rosecrans back into Chattanooga and sealed him there. This chapter explains what happened after the war. What was Cattons view of the Booth conspiracy? They were fighting the easier war, but lacked motive. The idea was that you would receive the books once a month, each book on a different topic in the series. Your interpretation of the events of the Civil War were right on target. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. The North almost did not win because the South kept fighting and not giving up. Mr. Phillips, I think you told us our test will be January 13th before we got out for Christmas break. He did not interfere with them or push the issue fearing that this would cause them to join the Confederacy. Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton. Once they combined their troops, they realized that they would have to attack the Union Army at Shiloh Church before Grant could get reinforcements. He also left Hood and his army to do whatever they wanted. "Everything we have come to expect from Catton: scholarly, judicious, clear and unfailingly interesting." Everyone thought his plans would never work, because a lot of people knew about them. Thought Beauregards strategy failed it gave him the advantage of fighting on the defensive. but one book isn't enough to cover the whole Civil War, most campaigns, or battles, or generals get their own book with lots of more detail. But most of what I know of the civil war, I learned from these books. The people who already hated the South, the Radical Republicans, were now in full control of the Federal government, making Booths flee to the South not good at all. There were several reasons that it can be argued that the Civil War has had a more lasting impact on the South than the North. Horn devotes much attention to a detailed summary of the two-day struggle, employing the points . Early again tried to attack Sheridan on October 19 near Winchester, but Sheridan drove the army off and removed the threat of attack from the Shenandoah Valley. Chapter 19: Bragg attacked Rosecrans; and, as the Army of the Cumberland was retreating to Chattanooga, Bragg entrenched his men on high ground in a crescent to trap the Union army. Catton thought it was absurd because it was focused on areas where the United States authority was not effective. Chapter 12 discusses the consequences of the Civl War as our first unlimited modern war. Covering events from the prelude of the conflict to the death of Lincoln, Catton blends a gripping narrative with deep, yet unassuming, scholarship to bring the war alive on the page in an almost novelistic way. What two commanders faced off in the Battle of Fort Sumter? Bragg tried to captiltalize on Hallecks mistake. In order to trap the Union army, Bragg retreated and made a stand at La Fayette, Georgia, awaiting reinforcements. The book said McClellan was great organizer and had time that McDowell was never allowed. 4. Ch 1 The Confederates did not pursue the beaten Federals by Jefferson Davis command. The fifth column had little outcome on the war. Later he would almost relieve one of his greatest officers General George Thomas, The Rock of Chickamauga from command of the Army of the Tennessee because Grant was freaking out with impatience near the end of the war. Anyone interested in the Civil War who hasn't read Catton's trilogy should do so and see what great story telling is like. Therefore, France and Great Britain might have given in to the proposal of abolition in exchange for recognition in 1863. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. 2. Change). Describe McDowells and Beauregards strategies at Bull Run. 4. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Mr. Lincoln's Army Chapter Summary. Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation was also effective. Each Cabinet consisted of a few capable men, but most did not give their full support to the President. How did he deal with this threat? The Civil War had a more lasting impact on the South than on the North for many obvious reasons. The Navy had plenty of ships, but none of these ships were going to be helpful in inforcing the blockade. 2: The movements had to become second nature. Before the beginning of the war, both the North and the South did not take the other side seriously. Hood used the indispensible Forrest to break a railroad and pull 30,000 of Shermans men to him. Ch. If they weren't trying to defame him, they were trying to get his job or suck in so much power that would make a black hole jealous. Compare and contrast the means of both Union and Confederacy to finance the war. Suprisingly, the book says there was very little training with weapons. Catton has clear prose, and while you might be tempted to disagree with some of his conclusions he is a careful and fair judge of a war continually being rewritten. This book highlights the beginning years of the Civil War especially when General McClellan was . At the end of his book, he has provided a . You can see the battlefields in your headthe sweeping landscapes, the smoke and crack of the musketspretty good stuff as far as "action scenes" go. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bruce Catton AMERICA GOES TO WAR 2nd Edition at the best online prices at eBay! This book provides a bird's-eye view of the war, with emphasis on broad-stroke explanations instead of minute details. Lists containing this Book MyWishList from Eric Hodge Read from Gary Disoteo American Civil War from Hthom Loading Related Books History Created February 18, 2009 6 revisions I agree with you and Chessa, Mr.Phillips, that Stephen Douglas was very intelligent, but I dont think he considered the long-term ramifications of his concept. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Civil War HC Including Over 200 Photos And Drawings By Bruce Catton 1980 at the best online prices at eBay! Ch. Bragg made a mistake by dividing his army causing his force to be outnumbered against some of the greatest generals. Aside from reading Doris Kearns Goodwins Team of Rivals (which is wonderful, by the way) and working through an EdX class taught by Eric Foner, I have merely collected books on the subject in anticipation of delving deeply into the conflict, politics, characters and period of the Civil War. The bloackade runners were transporters for the Confederates and Britain. Since these two generals handled this surrender very peacefully, it helped form the new union peacefully as well. Luckily for Sherman this strategy worked. The Union and Confederate armies compaired to armed mobs. The 1860's was a time of deceit and corruption. Until this point, the Union had just been trying to defeat the armies of the South. The North, not making as much money as the South, still did not fully agree with slavery. I think it was very bold of Sherman to propose such a plan to Grant, and it kind of seems like Sherman thought he was smarter than Grant. Lees next objedtive was to take Pennsylvania. First, Shermans agreement included all Confederate armed forces (not just Johnstons). Appointing this competent leader was the best decision the Union made in the was. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Mariner Books; Reprint edition (December 14, 2004). Through trick maneuvers and flanking Pope, Lee won the battle . "The American people in 1860 believed that they were the happiest and luckiest people in all the world, and in a way they were right." Feedback? The European armies were very well trained and disciplined and knew what is was like to be part of a war. One of McClellans strengths was that he made his men feel like real soldiers and in turn they put their complete trust in him. As a child living in a small town in Michigan, Catton was stimulated by the reminiscences of the Civil War that he heard from local veterans. The fifth column was a group of confederates based in Canada that kept in touch with agents in the Northern states. Hooker had a much larger army than the Confederate army. McClellan got to the battle just as the Union army had been defeated forcing the the reinforcements to retreat. The Army of the Potomac more than doubled Lees forces. What conflict resulted from the Kansas-Nebraska Act that most historians consider a prelude to the Civil War? Before this point in the war, the majority of Union soldiers did not care about the abolition of slavery. I believe this text would be helpful to someone who has been away from the topic of the Civil War for a long time (as I was) and needs a refresher course, or for someone who has an interest in the war, has gotten into it a little, but wants to get a nice overview so they can appreciate their later explorations on the topic. Grant refused to make a frontal asssault on Lee during the siege at Petersburg. 6 Halleck split his huge force. Douglass main goal was to end the argument over slavery; however, too many people were so passionate over the issue. You will have a maximum of six weeks to complete nineteen chapters. Lincoln us two strategies. His army marched down near Atlanta and burned everything along the way. When you look down on Chattanooga from Lookout Mountain today, it is easy to visualize the semicircle of Confederates along from the Tennesse River to the East to Missionary Ridge, to Lookout Mountain and through Lookout Valley where they linked up with the Tennessee River again. Neither of the Cabinets were very capable, but if one had to be picked, Lincolns cabinet would be the better one. The Army Of The Potomac trilogy is necessarily written from the Union viewpoint but Catton more than does justice to those who fought for the South, unlike Freeman's "Lee's Lieutenants" about the Army Of Northern Virginia which barely even mentions USA forces except as the unfortunate victims of R. E. Lee's brilliance. The war seemed to be favoring the South at that time, but, by 1865, things had been going downhill for the Confederacy for a while. How did Bragg use topographic features to trap the Union army? How did the typical soldier of the Civil War differ from his European counterpart? 3. Catton covers both the military perspective as well as the political aspects of war. A good reference for the Union Armies but very weak on the other side. It is strange to me that such little consideration was given to threats of secession back then in comparison to what a threat like that would be met with today. Also, trade with Europe grew during the war. The Radical Republicans used Lincolns funeral for their advantage. The British were actually in the process of building and transporting ironclad rams, which were ships used for close combat, to assist the Confederate army. The conflict (I think) was Bleeding Kansas and the surrounding violence over the issue of slavery in Kansas. The army of the Cumberland in central Tennessee was led by a new commander as well, William S. Rosecrans. There was also the Copperhead wing of the Democratic party, which was completely anti-war and called to end fighting immediately. Though, Lincolns proclamation only freed slaves in the South. Excellent overview of The Civil War. If you arent, I am sorry to ruin your Christmas break. Sherman was given command of the West. In fact, being the famous actor he was, he could have simply walked up to the White House and asked for a brief meeting with Lincoln. An interesting fact, General Beauregard was a student of Major Andersons at West Point. Chapter 10 provided an interesting look at the armies and types of people in the armies in the Civil War. He worked as a newspaperman in Boston, Cleveland, and Washington, and also held a. Sherman wanted to show that the Confederacy couldnt protect its own citizens and their property. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. The real strength is how he tells about the battles from the soldiers' points of view. After the battle of Fort Sumter neither side was prepared for war because neither side really thought it was going to happen at first and both sides were poorly prepared. The First Crisis XII. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. What was the impact of the Wilmot Proviso, the Fugitive Slave Act, and Uncle Toms Cabin on hostility between the North and South? European armies were organized and trained. Chapter 14: ISBN 13. ", Preeminent Civil War historian Bruce Catton's. Chapter Eight: Lee made one group of soldiers stay at Fredericksburg to make sure Hookers army at Fredericksburg wouldnt do anything. There were power struggles sometimes, but the power of Lincolns Cabinet strengthened the administration. Read these a long time ago, just got reminded of them today somehow. As far was the South was concerned this blockade was just a paper blockade until it was enforced. The southern Secretary of State offered France and Great Britian abolition of slavery for reginitonin return. What were the provisions of the Emancipaton Proclamation? List Price: $29.75. Follow American Coin Treasures on Amazon. In addition, Grant would make a brilliant decision to change Union strategy from that of conquering territory, to that of destroying enemy armies. 17 Grant would not do a frontal attack on Lee. They tried to pressure other countries such as England and France into sending them supplies but it did not work out for them. During Shermans drive from Chattanooga to Atlanta, how did Davis replacement of General Joe Johnston with John Bell Hood as commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee play into Grant and Shermans strategy for the last year of the war? The quality of your entry will be dependent on the depth and freshness of the material you discuss. South kept fighting and not giving up Richmond hooker had to go around Hookers.... 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