false teachings of the orthodox church

by on April 4, 2023

Jesus saves, and nothing else! 2/2/2015 Fr. The number of autocephalous churches has varied in history. (Gr. Canon law not only governs the activities of th church but also claims a degree of authority in matters of state. Theophan the Recluse, Nektarios of Aegina, the Aboriginals of Alaska, and almost every Fool-for-Christ the Orthodox Church has ever witnessed); and the current more dramatic past times of killing priests or kneecapping monks or fomenting book-burnings. We have people in church with the ministry of teaching, and others teach like Pastors, however we also believe our relationship with God comes first, and if we choose to believe the Holy Spirit tells us something, we will believe that rather than a teacher we believe is in error. (Gr. Mysterion;Sl. I am purposely writing theologoumena precisely asking questions more than proposing answers; and pointing out things which hurt my head thinking about them; 3. Also, I appreciate the attached articles. text-align: justify; Gabriel (Hieromonk), Against Modern Legalism Fr. .numbered_bulleted_text_1 { It is clear that he sees his youth as a wasted part of his life, and he is upset that the priest never taught him the truth about God. 7/11/2018 Fr. 2/16/2022 Orthodox Reflections, Morality Not Black and White, Fordhams George Demacopooulos Says in Abortion Article In other words they deny John 3:16 is true. they choose old testament laws, like beards and incense, like a religious potpourri, and yetthey throw out music, that the new and old testament both encourage. John Whiteford, When A Bishop Does Right Lawrence Farley, Truth, Compassion, and the Transgender Movement 2)It was initiated by, or at very least was involved with,the mass murderer Constantine. 82) God-parents marriage ban. A liturgical book containing the lives of the saints and the special hymns (stichera) for the feast-days of the Orthodox Saints. 9) Idols (see shrines below): statues and images were not banned underthe old Mosaic covenant, Good examples are the cherubim over the ark of the covenant, statues of four oxen in the temple, pomegranates carved into the walls, the serpent Moses lifted in the wilderness. 7/8/2019 Fr. 4/20/2018 Fr. 12/11/2021 Fr. Blasphemy is essentially against God. Well not according to Galatians 1:6-9 which says anyone preaching any other gospel is anathema, that is accursed! 2/21/2020 Orthodox Christianity, When People of God Fall, They Behave Worse Than Pagans with which he, the serpent, deceived Eve "your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Ioannes Apiarius, Heresies and Schisms Will Appear in the Churches, in the Last Days All throughout the interview, John has been backing up his statements with verses he has committed to memory. 94)Orthodox. margin-left: 48px; 2) pretentious religious music, in the case of Orthodoxy (a daughter of Rome) this takes the form of chanting heresyetc. font-size: 10pt; 6/28/2018 Fr. margin-right: 40px; }, It has been well said that Eastern Orthodoxy is "Roman Catholicism without its papacy and Mariolatry. Religiosity does not mean salvation, he replies. line-height: 150%; Confession. 6/12/2018 Fr. http://www.jesusandbible.com/list-of-orthodox-heresies. The intercession of the saints and Mary on behalf of Christians on earth was easily rejected. Like the Roman Catholic church, the Eastern Orthodox church insists that it is the one true church of Christ on earth. color:black; 7/16/2018 Fr. A diabolical heresy from Hell itself. John Whiteford, Clergy, Scholars, LGBT Activists, Drag Show Host Gather to Discuss Opinions on Orthodoxy, Sex, Gender, Sexuality 80)Epiklesis. etc. Eastern Orthodoxy holds that the single source of revelation is what it terms "holy tradition." ", A reader asks, "Are Eastern Orthodox practitioners (Russian, Serbian, Greek, Antiochian, Ethiopian, etc.) What about pious Orthodox Christians? TeachingtheWord font-weight: bold; a:link He spread his false teaching throughout the East, receiving support from certain Eastern bishops. 11/5/2014 Fr. When Martin Luther compared Catholicism to Scripture, the result was his nailing the 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. The Eastern Orthodox religion teaches the heresy thatbabies are born again through physical baptism, without belief, when indeed the whole criterionof being born again or baptized is "believe and be baptized" and "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple 6) It makes you part of the church. The Church is content to accept the element of mystery in its approach to God. This article may be reproduced in its entirety only, The Catholics also have heresy by their annulments. 7/7/2017 Fr. to avoid the fact that when their good news that savesis compared to our good news that saves, they are both different, and the one that keeps looking bogus in debates is theirs. He tells me how his family could deny his new beliefs, but none could deny the visible change in his lifestyle. Joseph Birthisel, Ashley Purpura: Orthodox Church Needs Women Priests and Bishops 7/7/2017 Fr. 100) Deceiving their own family into Hell. 21) Relics, artefacts, including "death cult" worship. The heresy is not suggested in their doctrine on it, but that a convert in order to be baptized might be constrained to form a doctrine on it in order to be baptized. 3) St. John Chrysostom. margin-bottom: 24px; 4/13/2018 Rod Dreher, Fighting the Wrong Battles Matt. artos). But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 77)Consecration. Yesterday, I interviewed a former Southern Baptist who has converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. (many of them sinner saints). 10/23/2019 Fr. He is a founding editor of The Gospel Project, an inaugural fellow with The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, and the author of multiple books, including The Thrill of Orthodoxy, The Multi-Directional Leader, Rethink Your Self, This Is Our Time, and Gospel Centered Teaching. John Whiteford, Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Of perhaps the best western theological term that expresses the Eastern Orthodox Churches view on the nature of human free will, in combination with "ancestral sin", versus the human nature of free will in combination with "original sin" as expressed in the most common Evangelical and Protestant belief calledArminianism. False Teaching. color: #333333; The bloodless offering to God, which is the Holy Eucharist offered at the Liturgy. As he delved into Pauls epistles, primarily to the Romans and Ephesians, John came to understand salvation as a gift from God through faith alone, not through good deeds. 75)Chrismation. The Wicked Heretic Lazar Puhalo Elpidophoros Radical Leftist Views] Later, he and his wife were married in the Orthodox Church. .normal_text { The scholars accuse the Russian Orthodox Church of "ethno-phyletism" or "religious nationalism" a practice outlawed by an Orthodox . Eastern Orthodox clerics and believers sometimes realisethey are losing debates in front of Orthodox believers willing to convert, and masquerade as if they believe Evangelical theology on salvation, or something at least a bit nearer, when their actual church does not, and calls the true gospel "heterodoxy". margin-bottom: 12px; 2018 The unmarried state of life. p.reference_entry 1) That salvation is in faith in Christ alone. When I visited Greece I found the priests there to be quite incredibly vain, and only after discovering the doctrine of Theosis did I properly understand why. 5/8/2019 Fr. The Canons generally provide for all administrative or disciplinary questions that might arise in the Church, and, consequently, are not infallible but can be changed or re-interpreted by an Ecumenical Council. Gabriel (Hieromonk), The Pursuit of Happiness Photius Avant, New gender ideologies are a demonic attack against union with God Bulgarian Church 1) one of the faithfulin consecrated ground, (consecrated by heretics), 2) according to the Orthodox rites and service of burial (Nekrosimos). The main reason for the convening of the First Ecumenical Council was the appearance and growing strength of the false teaching of the Alexandrian priest, Arius. (the issues of the Nicene Creed are very complex as attached to historical proof of the people involved in making it and general number of churches cults and sects in the Empire - I can only try to resolve this later on). Those groups were called "heterodox" or "heretics." Please note that "Orthodox Church" refers specifically to Eastern Orthodoxy, the Church of the Seven Great Ecumenical Councils. I am not writing as an academic; 2. font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 12px; Webster, Fundamental Errors: A Response to Tradition Without Fundamentalism by George Demacopoulos As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. font-size: 8pt; The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics helps Christians show unbelievers the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel as the only hope that fulfills our deepest longings. 71) Candles: are considered sacrifices to Mary and saints. I have pleaded for the past thirty years with my Orthodox friends to come to Christ and know Him personally, John says, with tears in his eyes. In the presence of God I make this vow.". 1/3/2020 Rod Dreher, 2019 Its almost like a one off proof their whole idea of human tradition is based on bunk human decision making.). 1/10/2020 Fr. The Hart Idiosyncratic Version The title ofPrimus inter pares was also taken by Constantine, a murderer the Orthodox have chosen to follow instead of the example of Christ. 50) Their definition of heresy is heresy!!! 7/12/2019 Fr. true Christians? The "Scarlet and Purple heresy" (Rev 17:4) introduced formally by Constantine, that is the melding ofsecular (purple) and religious (scarlet) power is also an heresy of Orthodoxy. If so, if they and Roman Catholicism were supposedly one church at one point in history, whenwas it dropped by the Catholics. A local Council, convened with Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria presiding, condemned the false teachings of Arius. margin-top: 12px; This is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy as it is in Catholicism. 10/31/2015 Fr. The Council was convened to investigate without further delay, the false teachings of Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople (428-431). The book containing the rules and regulations /. 5) That baptism is put forward as a sacerdotalrite that is part of an ongoing "process of salvation" (their expression not mine)when God specifically tells us it is not part of the gospel (1 Cor 1:17). Their baptism services are heretical multiple times over, including, 4) With adults it only proceeds after a catechumen period of one or two whole years, when the Ethiopian Eunuch on hearing the gospel said immediately in Acts 8:36-38 "And as they went ontheirway, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See,here iswater; what doth hinder me to be baptized?". Greek Orthodox churches consider themselves the one true church going back to the days of Peter and Jesus, and that Rome erred when it split from the Greek Orthodox Church in 1054. margin-bottom:6.0pt; (true = moderate) Trevin Wax is vice president of research and resource development at the North American Mission Board and a visiting professor at Cedarville University. font-size: 10pt; John Whiteford, The Pro-Abortion Orthodox (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1) ), Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 9/15/2019 Fr. That isnt in the Bible, he says, without further elaboration. False. line-height:180%; (Gr. 8/10/2022 Fr. The Baptist church is the true Church that is following the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, he affirms, though admitting the presence of believers in Pentecostal, Brethren, and other evangelical denominations. see alsoHagia Sophia. (Hebrews 7:26-28). 5/9/2022 Fr. Gabriel (Hieromonk), On Allegations of Orthodox Fundamentalism (Part 2) The Church and Modernity I accept there are many forms of blasphemous attitude and speech, and the word has wider usage, howeverIt is because Orthodoxy attributes powers to Mary that belong to God alone, and invent so many church artefacts outside of holy writ this becomes heretical. For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Here are some passages of Scripture that should be taken into account when considering the subject of false teaching: I Peter 3:15 (KJV) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Ephesians 5:11-13 (KJV) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but . 6/13/2018 Fr. And fundamental to the false teacher's success is his ability to deceive. A summary of doctrine and instruction, teaching the Orthodox faith in the form of questions and answers. 6/17/2021 Orthodox Christianity, Mari Iakovou Mars Proudly and Publicly Celebrates LGBTQ Pride Month the Virgin, the Saints, or sacred objects, refusing to bury a person if he became a real Christian, 79)Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 83) Defining the true church as Heterodoxy, 85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save, 86) The heresy of Masquerading as Evangelicals, 88) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist, The Eastern Orthodox Calendar of Saints.Martyrology, Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church, : The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eas, tern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. 12/10/2014 Fr. font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"; including -The Canon Liturgical /73)Canons (or Canon Law). margin-right: 20px; Heirotonia). 12/21/2019 Fr. 3)Let us make it clear it was only long after the Reformation that the Orthodox even compiled anofficial bible, or distributed itto the people. Authentic Christianity, in marked contrast, declares the priesthood of Christ alone, who has made full and final atonement for sin: For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:5-6), For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens; who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people's, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. 11/18/2015 Fr. Why? 7/12/2018 Fr. Christopher Calins Radical Leftist and Pro LGBT Posts] 39) Their version of the Talmud =Catechism, prayer books, calendars etc (all diversionsaway from the bible). John Whiteford, Scandalous Activists Attack OCA Synod For Rejecting Same-Sex Unions and LGBTQ Identities We also suggest that you include a direct hyperlink to this article for the convenience of your readers. 4) It forcesOrthodox converts to make a commitment on the filioque issue (ironically the Orthodox and Catholics have opposite views upon it). Mortification can simply lead to "psychologically snapping" and being even more fleshly. His parents told him he was bringing shame upon the whole family. Accordingly witnesses are a priori considered to be of the Orthodox Christian faith.". Genesis 3:5, and for which King Herod was eaten by worms "And the people gave a shout,saying, It isthe voice of a god, and not of a man. This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. 5) Orthodoxy themselves compare themselves with Romanism, thus they are logically her daughters. line-height:200%; Lawrence Farley, On Ecclesiology, Humility, and Love .quotation_text_2 { 8/6/2019 Fr. line-height: 200%; The Orthodox, but also the popes say this too. It is worth researching if the Orthodox have like the Catholics limited languages a liturgy can be read out in. Another Orthodox person reading this would be justified in pointing out it is a good idea to pray to saints, but if that's not where you are at, then that's not where you are at. The fact is the entireMosaic Lawwasnailed to the cross and "done away" (2Cor 3) or (Col 2:14-17) "nailed to his cross" or "made old" (Heb 8:13) being replaced by new testament law based on the two commandments, not the old ten commandments as its centrepiece (Gal 6:2 & Matt 7:24). The Orthodox Church is the only Church which has maintained from the beginning a coherent interpretation of its teaching. } margin-top: 24px; {margin-top:0in; The common and official name used by the Greek Christians and Eastern Christian Church. An Orthodox Appraisal of Political Correctness, Sexual Anarchy, Cultural Deconstruction and Conforming the Church to the World According to . So let me contrarywise make aplain statement: The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic gospel of pseudo salvation is anathema, accursed, bogus, and a ticket to Hell. 98) ChrismationRenunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. Gabriel (Hieromonk), Morality and Truth in a Secular Age Gabriel (Hieromonk), Dr. David Ford: An Open Letter to an Advocate of So-Called Gay Marriage } margin-right:20pt; Ioannes Apiarius, The Ten LGBTQ Commandments [satire] example:Lent. Ioannes Apiarius, Fr. Ioannes Apiarius, Orthodox Episcopal Aloofness with a Side of Cake [Abp. Nowhere in scripture are we told to baptize a person 3 times consecutively, let alone a baby. font-size:10.0pt; John Whiteford, Sr. Vassa: Theres no ontological impediment to priestesses (Matt 6:16). Leavened bread is also acceptable for the purpose in the more liberal Protestant churches. All Rights Reserved. Kallistos Clearly Implies that the Church Should Bless Committed Same-Sex Relationships In his early twenties, John became active in the Communist party in Romania. Wife were married in the Orthodox saints /73 ) Canons ( or Canon law not governs... Fundamental to the false teachings of Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople ( 428-431 ) teaching the Orthodox Church is content accept. Fighting the Wrong Battles Matt '' ; including -The Canon liturgical /73 ) Canons or... Christian Church the Church is the holy Eucharist offered at the Liturgy official name used by Catholics! Number of autocephalous churches has varied in history, whenwas it dropped by the Catholics also have by! Orthodox saints condemned the false teachings of Arius what it terms `` holy tradition. reader asks, are. Is accursed bread is also acceptable for the feast-days of the apostolic gospel, if they and Roman without! Is not a sacrament in Eastern Orthodoxy is `` Roman Catholicism without its papacy and Mariolatry 12px! A local Council, convened with Patriarch Alexander of Alexandria presiding, condemned the false teachings of Patriarch Nestorius Constantinople. 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