Exercise is a Journey not a Destination

by glenn on November 24, 2010

We’ve all heard it before, and yes it is contrived, clichéd, and hackneyed. However, the reason you keep hearing this is because it is true. The “Journey not a Destination” philosophy has been with us much longer than fitness has, and when undertaking fitness as a discipline, this philosophy holds true.

Like any other life altering discipline that an individual takes on it should be looked at as a journey, and fitness is no exception.

When fitness is done the right way it should be something that becomes part of the rest of your life. If you are looking for life long success, then it would stand to reason that fitness should be life long.

While every individual should have his or her short term goals everyone needs to have overall health and wellness as a life long goal.

Let’s be honest, most people get into shape just for that wedding, reunion or vacation. It’s good to have a focus, but more times than not once those events are over or once that short term goal is realized, most tend to fall off the wagon.

What’s the sense of putting in all of that hard work and dedication if it’s all going to be over in a couple of months? Why not take that discipline with you through out the rest of your life.

Take comfort and be proud that you have accomplished your short term goal but do not lose sight of the journey.

Remember those moments along the way that got you to where you are now.

Remember the fun you had, how great you looked, and more importantly how glorious you felt when you were done.

Remember the journey, half the fun is getting there.

Joshua Margolis is an Personal Trainer & Nutritionist in NYC


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