how to annoy neighbors who smoke

by on April 4, 2023

I live with my 3 kids and very uncomfortable to clean my garden cut grass they remove all branches weeds and also made entrance to watch i covered it all up and fight over it many times tired need some ideas to get rid of them please kids also uncomfortable to play in our backyard. Think of them as children. Now one of the sons has picked up a weed habit and smokes so much pot is fills up my entire side of the duplex. This is not an apartment these are single houses just that the noise generated from that house can be heard fifteen houses away-probably more. You do realize there are those who think these are "just a prank or joke". Throw in some Volcano room spray for a fresh floral scent, and when in doubt, do some laundry. Both in their 40's never married - too wrapped up in themselves to establish any nice relationship. Living in a neighborhood can be a pleasant experience of convivial support, backyard barbecues, and lasting memories. Within 15 minutes they shut the party down and went in the house. But can't have that, because that motherfucker enjoys a truck that sounds like 3 million helicopters in unison. First is mowing the lawn at the time when you are fairly sure that they are relaxing or sleeping. We got a trespassing, stealing fruit, harassing, idiot neighbor move in that though a portion of my property was hers. New York State law defines harassment as any conduct intended to annoy, threaten, intimidate, or alarm another person. This is even true of the annoying ones. Set up a basketball hoop in your driveway and play b-ball at all hours of the day and night. A den-like space such as a crate or under a table or bed is preferable. Allow your pets to do their business in your neighbor's yard and don't use a pooper scooper. Haha. He is mentally ill, has extremely low self confidence and many more. Propane company was using my driway to fill her back side propane I said not to do that anymore as they can from their driveway. My next door neighbor rents a room in her house to a long-term tenant. 23. 4. Im playing my drums tonight, in the backyard so that it doesnt bother the other neighbors as much. Throwing of heavy object down the stairs. The funny thing about her is she weighs roughly over 200 pounds and wears a bright pink jacket every time she goes out for walks. The whole fish will be frozen. 1: Innocent Chores. These same neighbors would also steal our internet to illegally download music and who knows what else. Individuals can file a complaint by calling the Illinois Department of Public Health's toll-free complaint line at 866-973-4646 (TTY 800-547-0466, hearing impaired use only) or on-line through this website. Not to mention the high pitched screaming he does. 22. NEVER USE YOUR DOG AS A WEAPON, IT IS VERY UNFAIR TO THE POOR PET. Lonely people living just in their own world and spending time to hate others and hurt them. We have live in our neighborhood for 6 years now. Place rubber snakes around their garden beds. 2. Carefully place a 5-inch balloon over the mouth of the bottle, and let it fill with the gas until it's the size of a grapefruit. So now I am the scarlet letter wearing neighbor who deals with nasty, mean spirited evil neighbors . This will force one or two neighbors to politely ask, multiple times, when the fences will be painted. Did a teenager write this? Apparently, he works starts from evening till 3-4 am as he calls Iran and does business through the phone. They bought the home. They still act the same way regardless. Close the window and try to ignore it? So we had a survey and fence went in on our property 6 inches in. And dont know what to do anymore. You could also invest in an air purifier. 1. Ask them if they've dealt with police issues or lawsuits. Compile evidence from police reports, damage photos, insurance companies, and lawyers who may have had to handle them. These neighbors won't see you coming because they are too self-absorbed. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. TP-ing someone's house can work really well if they have trees and a large yard. Dribble the ball as often as you want! Here's how to smoke weed indoors without getting caught. They thrive on ruining anothers life. Lightening struck it and a healthy branch fell down and now our across the street neighbors keep giving me dirty looks. No sections added! doesn't work, doesn't go to schooll and he does not seem to suffer from any type of mental imbalance. Tar and nicotine affect every surface they come in contact with. She didnt even hand out candy!!! They might not mow their lawn until the pets get lost in the tall blades of grass, but my nice neighbors mean wellthe majority of the time at least. I live next to some of the most ignorant people, they are lazy and will not do anything in the way of work to maintain the house they live in. She's a freakin teacher and has stolen money and continues to steal money from our government. Part of the backstory on why they were tethering their dog. Thats my problem is that the rest of my neighbors are great and I dont want to annoy them while getting back at this jerk. Bro, I am so embarrassed but I am more hateful towards myself for like annoying them all those days. Talking to them just made it worse. Neighbors may need to get a permit, keep the noise down to a certain decibel level, or only use the devices within a certain time frameor all of the above. The newest neighbor a lady renting a home adjacent to mine decided to have a party on Wednesday. Here are a few ways to annoy your neighbor: Order food at their address: Have you done this before? Start dumping your food scraps in their yard. - Communicate with your neighbors who smoke. "13. Paint your house a bright yellow. CAL. This is all in good jest and satirical; please keep that in mind! Next is to wash the walls with a warm, soapy solution. Tell your neighbors that you'll get to it just as soon as you can. Our neighbors now are more like treasured family to us now. 3. I accept no responsibility should you decide to use one or more of these clever creations. Don't face them head on at the same time that they're doing it. Try to do it as early as possible to prevent any escalation between the warring neighbors. She came down to my gate tried to get in and I said get off my property and she said no it mine. She muttered sh*t and sprint walked away then stood outside my house ignoring me with her back to me and texting again and I'm like f**********King hell this cowardly c*nty b**** no decency to even acknowledge she called the council and can't even talk to me. Long enough to frighten my grandbaby while she is napping, but you know what they say about boys and their toys. I have a neighbor above me who SLAMS his toilet seat AT ALL HOURS. If . Furniture being thrown over toys being thrown on the floor. If you live in an apartment and the tenants above you have heavy feet, use your broom handle to bang on the ceiling. However, when my family wants to bring our dog outside, she threatens to call animal control (even when our dog is clearly on a leash) because she claims that our loving, friendly dog whom everyone else absolutely adores is "a total menace to society". Watch your TV at deafening volumes. It wouldn't deter me if the d@mnded basketball goal was not outside of my bedroom window. This may be enough to take care of the issue. CIV. I have never rented before and it shall be the last time. I paused for a long while and just looked at her and finally asked if she was trying to invite herself into our pool because it sure sounded like she was and then went on to mention that although we would really like to, we don't feel comfortable with strangers in our pool. Thankfully, since moving, we have been blessed with really amazing neighbors. Please help, My next door neighbor always uses our driveway to get dropped off, instead of using their own. The old grumpy one just tells big dogs to f**k off aggressively but has never drawn blood. A Canmore Ridge - Concord NH resident on October 15, 2019: This place SUCKS. Its a four bed apt they have 12-15 people that live there. Oh well, hope they move - SOON. B-ball it up. 2. b) Neglect your wooden fences. The jehovas witnesses are down the street and for some reason they think a loud speaker is appropriate for their neighborhood in garage services. Instead of their shoes being taken off while inside, nope its stomp the yard all day above my head. We live in a development of 70s raised ranch homes. Have a Party. We open our pool on Memorial day weekend, and last year was no exception and of course it was under their ever watchful gaze. There were 3-4 people living in that home, all appeared to be single people living together (3 females and 1 male). Still the dumb stalkers do it for her. If you're really looking to take it to the next level, you can try your hand at doing something that will make your neighbors consider moving. They set up both of their roof gutters so they go under our fence and drain into our yard, and its weakening our rock wall. so go figure. The best thing you can do is laugh at them, They cant stand being laughed at. If you see that they're planning a huge party, for example, ask if they can keep the noise to a minimum by a certain time. While they are away, sneak over and drain their pool. Once they go indoors, wait ten minutes and then do it again. The 30 foot high cedar hedge between us does nothing to stop the smoke. 1: Do complain unnecessarily. He thinks having money entitle him to boss people around. If the dumb ass is out running around the yard in the middle of the night in underware. Proceed to #1 and start again. No joke now 25 people live in a 3 bedroom 2200 ft home. We tried asking them, we tried picking it up and putting it on their doorstep, but they still refused to do it.. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE TRAPPED IN A SITUATION WITH MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES AND MINIMAL RESOURCES/INCOME TO MOVE! 4. I agree with Shannon below. The way to cover his short coming he boss people around. I have pure evil neighbors. He is crazy, to make him mad I do whatever l like in my own house. Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. Like I said it will take time for them to realize you no longer care what they do or say. The evil old witch neighbor lied to everyone about us constantly and they believed her lies. This method will surely bring a smile to their face so early in the morning. I'm very disappointed to even read such ideas, this is very irresponsible advice. You could also use a hedge trimmer or a chainsaw to do some yard work, the louder the better. I have 2 neighbours .. one who rents a caf which is actually attached to our house, but partitioned and one neighbour who lives next door. Early the very next morning, I was on my back deck and I hear " hey! Any and all help would be appreciated. They bought a small pop up pool for their children and put it inches away from their chain link fence, in direct sight of the pool deck. They are very very sad. There are so many beautifull things in world that helps us to tolerate others more instead of couraging to hate more. I actually love my neighbors; they are the best. We have child abuser kiddy corner from us. I did everything to stop them ie police calls and one fist to the head. Send Notice Violation. Ring your neighbor's doorbell and then hide. How to annoy neighbors original sound - Tik Toker. She is the most ghetto trashbox. These are just harmless ideas. My neighbors are jealous because I have the better apartment with a patio . They now focus their negativity on others. Also, one thing that I found annoyed neighbors is skateboarding up and down their driveway :). Tobacco smoke inside a room tends to hang in mid-air rather than disperse. Noisy birds will drive your neighbors crazy. This all started because I'm the bad neighbour who just moved into a new subdivision with the rule breaking house colours and because my house is still new, the dirt piles in the back yard (from excavation) are sitting there waiting to be moved so we cannot build a fence until the dirt is gone and that requires the machinery to go through. I am so frustrated I am beside myself. We have a chick who wears the same cut off jeans with panty hose underneath and a staring problem a couple duplex's down. So, im legit stuck here. Donate your leftovers and compost to your neighbors! How It Works. This will prevent any fire and smoke outreach. You can sue for anything CossittLaw, no one cares until you actually win. Time to brake out my bass guitar and amp . Most of them are fictional. There is no need to be so hateful. I have sn entitled neighbor. They live above . If they have a sprinkler system, redirect their sprinkler heads to water your lawn. There are two types of nuisancespublic nuisance and private nuisance. Call a truce. Now to the next door neighbor which is a family of 5 - mom, dad, 2 sons (17 and 18 y.o.) This method works. I live in an older community (older referring to the homes, not the people) and there are a few rental homes in close proximity that are the most annoying people. We had a pretty strong antivirus/antihacker program at the time and their computer ended up getting fried when they disregarded the pop up message that stated not to proceed. Hot smoke rises, but tobacco smoke cools rapidly, which stops its upward climb. It wasn't anyone's fault, and now our tree is being chopped down (it's healthy) and we keep getting passive aggressive letters from them. This is CRUEL to your pet, and secondly it may result in your pet being poisoned in revenge. To all the people who think these posts are mean spirited perhaps you would like to spend a day or two in our circumstance and see how long you last--we are not posting because we have great neighbors-we are posting because our neighbors are making our lives a living hell and even making it impossible for us to sell our houses or live a happy life. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Sometimes you'll even see her outside at 12:30am. You can talk to the neighbour, alert someone if the substance is illegal or take friendly measures to protect yourself from the smoke. Here's what you can do. If they're smoking inside, they can put a wet towel under the door right near the gap between the door and floor, so the fumes don't leave their apartment. This would limit smoke entering your apartment through shared walls. Kudos for caring and having a good heart. Eggs on windows/front step/car windscreen. Smoke Smarter Edibles are the only surefire way to get high at home without any issues. Well she STOMPS too. He STOMPS around and it is so bad my pictures are falling off the walls. I just want 8 hours of sleep, once or twice a week. But funny thing is as evil as they are and that was just an example of some of what they do , I feel sorry for people to have such a dark heart and hatred. On one day of the week I had a tree service come to cut down two very tall pine trees in my backyard. Weve already got trouble! Be sure to also use the leaf blower as often as possible. Until then buzz off. Non-smoking laws in public places have swept the nation, but until recently, if the smoke wafting into your house, condominium, or apartment from your neighbor's cigarette bothered you, all you could do was move out. I dont like lowering myself . Considering theres always so many piling in next door. Neighbors are loud partying scumbags. This is the most stupid article I have ever read. It was a humorous article. And if there's a problem, talk about it as. washing machine, tv, stereo onto party wall and use often and at antisocial hours. Then wait for campground neighbors to complain about your barking dog. Wot should I do? Get your child a drum set and have them practice at odd times throughout the day. I refused to comply. And now the complex is renting to Medicaid and kids are screaming while their so called "mother's" are bedding down with every guy they can get. Heaps of it. A lot. When the coast is clear place fish on hook and finagle it into the gutter. His yard isn't easy to do anything at, and not be seen or caught. If the landlord was told about it you could be evicted. In outdoor spaces, second-hand smoke is less likely to have an effect on you as it's less dense in the air. Item 13 is most likely criminal under the law of most states and also subjects you to civil liability for invasion of privacy. 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