stiffness matrix depends on material or geometry

by on April 4, 2023

c) Natural d) Sleeve and couple A highly ordered, hexagonal, nacre-like composite stiffness is investigated using experiments, simulations, and analytical models. d) Unidirection composite Explanation: Traction or tractive force is the force used to generate motion between body and a tangential surface, through the use of dry friction, through the use of hear force. d) Eliminated The stiffness matrix depends on the nature of the elements in the structure, whether they are truss or frame elements, their geometric orientation and connectivity. Investigating this scenario would also mean that we would have to introduce additional stiffness terms that would correlate the bending force with the out-of-plane displacements. The first derivative of the out-of-plane displacement with respect to the x-coordinate represents the slope; the second derivative represents the curvature; and the third derivative is proportional to the shear force. a) Uniform Common problems are as follows: Poisson's Ratio of 0.5. Answer: d 1 and No. undergoes a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy and is an inpatient in the urology surgery unit. Axisymmetry implies that points lying on the z- axis remains _____ fixed. Between wheel and ground how much of traction force is required? a) Derivatives c) Total potential energy d) Rectangular Explanation: Global stiffness matrix method makes use of the members stiffness relations for computing member forces and displacements in structures. Answer: a b) Accuracy ._#Y2.)j AAJ6F&BPC> A8|DB-`wb`E@X //1 d) Cannot be determined They produce a hazy residue and should be used only Answer: c For that we denote element displacement vector as In one dimensional problem, each node has _________ degrees of freedom. 1. Specifically, it measures the fractional change in size per degree change in temperature at constant pressure. That is, the modulus is an intensive property of the material; stiffness, on the other hand, is an extensive property of the solid body that is dependent on the material and its shape and boundary conditions. b) 0.05 d) Surface co-ordinates Assuming that steel behaves as a Hookean solid (i.e., stress is linearly proportional to strain below the yield strength), we can write out the stress-strain relationship using the Youngs modulus, E, of the material as \sigma=E\epsilon. a) Potential- Energy approach You and your team have a killer consumer electronics product idea and the necessary skill set to bring it to market. (c) Assemble the structural stiffness matrix Kand global load vector F. (d) Solve for the global displacement vector d. (e) Evaluate the stresses in each element. Explanation: A unidirectional (UD) fabric is one in which the majority of fibers run in one direction only. This means that we need to decide whether the structure is a single spring or a network of springs distributed in space and connected to each other. Explanation: In computation of Finite element analysis problem defined under initial or boundary conditions. i am doing uniaxial compression test simulation of polymer (ABS material ). b) uTT The axial force balance equation (ignoring any bending or torsional moment) can be written as: with the boundary conditions at the two ends as u=0 at x=0 and E\frac{du}{dx}=\frac{F}{A} (Hookes law) at x=L. Check out Fictivs CNC Machining Capabilities, then create an account and upload your part to see what our instant quote process, design for manufacturability feedback, and intelligent platform can do for you. In the International System of Units, stiffness is typically measured in newtons per meter ( C. in a refrigerated environment under 0 degrees F. 7-26 AMA037 The stiffness should be considered as a combination of both material and structural properties, which form a mechanical response to a given load. The stiffness element K22 of Eq. a) Programming equations a) xy=0 b) D*+f=u Explanation: The amount of heat transferred is directly proportional to the temperature change. a) Linear b) Zigzag c) Diagonal d) Rectangular Answer: c Explanation: Stiffness matrix represents system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation. 12. 3. The shape functions are physically represented by _____ Because of the hinge at node 10, U20=0. surface or through the plastic, the plastic is said to be Answer: b Answer: b eliminate corrosion. a) Triangular co-ordinates b) Non uniform He is now thinking about his treatment options and asks you to answer some questions. If there are nonlinearities, then it is important to use the correct linearization point. d) Vector method Lower order polynomials are chosen as shape functions. I am working on a simple script to be able to solve frame structure using direct stiffness method. c) Matrix form be installed hot and tightened to a firm fit before the a) Geometry d) Anisotropic material 7. d) yy=0 d) Element stiffness matrix Answer: b Designing for part stiffness through geometric controls is one of these important tools. c) On interface b) Strain and stress Answer: a We will explore these cases here. 6. a) Large number d) K=AE Explanation: Degrees of freedom of a node tells that the number of ways in which a system can allowed to moves. B. squeezes resin more deeply into the structure. Answer: c 23. b) Strain-displacement relation a) Displacement function Answer: c When it comes to calculating the area MOI for a tube, the only dimensions we will need are the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID). In solid mechanics, what is the correct vector form of the equations of motion for a plane elasticity problem? 16. The best cutting tool to use on composite honeycomb 8. a) Displacement A Fat boundary-type method for localized . k b) Potential energy cracks which may extend in a network over or under the B. the ability of the fibers to transfer stress to the matrix. The various members such as pulleys and gears are mounted on it. dx dx dx N(x) N(x) du h'(x) dh du du dx du x h(x) h(x) + dh Figure 2. How can I put the real number of stiffness constant to a membrane? Answer: b {\displaystyle M\times M} 2. remove water from damage area. d) Solids Here is the workflow for obtaining the stiffness from the 1D model: A snapshot of the 1D model made using the Beam interface. c) Linear equations Each triangle formed by three nodes and three sides is called a ______ a) T d) --Co-ordinates ; Note that the torsional stiffness has dimensions [force] * [length] / [angle], so that its SI units are N*m/rad. b) 11 Copyright 2021 Quizack . d) Structure View Answer 3. Explanation: Global coordinate system corresponds to the entire body. C. has a high strength to weight ratio. the laminations. Elastic modulus is a property of the constituent material; stiffness is a property of a structure or component of a structure, and hence it is dependent upon various physical dimensions that describe that component. Also, for a review of terms we will use in this article, check out Engineering Fundamentals Refresh: Strength vs. Stiffness vs.Hardness. Obviously, a hollow tube weighs much less than a solid bar, and the reduction in material equates to savings. B. allows curing in higher temperatures and pressures. 458 0 obj <> endobj 1. 2. installation of acrylic plastics? b) Number of nodes C. analyze ultrasonic signals transmitted into the parts In solid mechanics, which option is not a characteristic of a plane stress problem in the XYZ Cartesian system? Strain is response of a system t an applied stress. c) f=[fx,fy]T For a Belleville spring the load is applied on _____ A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be d)Mb d) Banded matrix Polystyrene and polyurethane are selected as materials for the manufactured specimens using laser cutting and hand lamination. A. core in composite construction is, flame resistant. d) Element 22. All other faces of the beam are unconstrained and unloaded. hi This gives us a linear force versus displacement relationship, such that the stiffness is independent of the operating point as well as any spatial variation in force, displacement, and material properties. b) -,-Co-ordinates Explanation: By elimination approach method we can construct a global stiffness matrix by load and force acting on the structure or an element. a) Identity matrix b) Infinity Explanation: Thermal stress is caused by differences in temperature or by differences in thermal expansion. However, we may not always have access to a good FEA program. Thus each node has only one degree of freedom. b) N=uq 29. no_elements =size (elements,1); - to . b) Force Answer: b Size of global stiffness matrix=No. d) Sodium Answer: c After determining the stresses in orthotropic materials by using an appropriate failure theory we can find factor of safety. He has a history of hypertension and atrial fibrillation, for which he receives warfarin (Coumadin), metoprolol (Toprol), digoxin, and lisinopril/hydrochlorothiazide (Zestoretic). Third step is to evaluate reaction force at each point. Learn more about Fictivs solutions for large enterprise companies and schedule a consultation. 32. While part stiffness can be modified with geometry, material stiffness is a property of the material itself. Answer: a 7-21 AMA037 A 0D representation of the beam using a lumped stiffness, k, with a force, F, acting on it that produces a displacement, u. Hi Sreenivas, Geometric Stiffness Matrix is often used in Buckling. If the structure is divided into discrete areas or volumes then it is called an _______ C. breather. a) Stress-strain relation a) Rayleigh method This gives us two possible equivalent single-spring bending stiffnesses of the 1D beam depending on the loading direction. d) Identically Chest x-ray, bone scan, and abdominal CT scan are all negative. . Explanation: The shape function is function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the degrees of freedom of a node relate to next. A solid beam of length L, width b, and thickness t, with its sides oriented along the x-, y-, and z-directions of a Cartesian coordinate system. c) Plane surface fasteners and metal structure fasteners is that While considering longitudinal stresses and vertical stresses in a horizontal beam during bending. a) Force and load A. high speed, low pressure drills. Answer: d Answer: a For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the stiffness matrix formed is An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the degrees of freedom of node relate to next. b) Load 18. are best avoided by C. consulting AC43.13 section 1B. b) xz=0 c) Aspect ratios 7-24 AMA037 One benefit of using aramid paper as a honey comb core in It is denoted by symbol . Dimension of global stiffness matrix is _______ B. q=[q1,q2,q6]T. 6. 28. b) Finite Answers (1) Your global stiffness matrix depends on what problem you are solving i.e it depends on the governing equation. Sandwich panels made of honeycomb construction are used Combining all of this, we get u(x)=\frac{Fx}{EA}, where x is the distance from the fixed end of the beam and u(x) is the displacement along the length of the beam. Explanation: A stiffness matrix represents system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation. d) Combinational surface It is the frusto-conical shape that gives the washer a spring characteristic. 1. Unidirectional composites are stacked at different fiber orientations to form a ______ Can we neglect the stresses or strains in certain directions. Answer: b 7-30 AMA037 The node 1, 2, 3 represents the DOF (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6) respectively. b) Shape functions Explanation: The boundary conditions require that points along x and n are constrained normal to the two lines respectively. Explanation: The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. In the FEA of a fluid mechanics problem, we need to find . Answer: a A 1D representation of the beam, obtained using the balance of static axial forces in the body. 10. 1. C. thermocure. Stiffness matrices are square and symmetric. k c) Three Answer: a So by this element stiffness matrix method we can get relation of members in an object in one matrix. The sleeve fits snugly, and then the temperature is raised by _____ 2. Now, lets jump over to an FEA study that looks at our 2.0 OD by 1.5 ID cantilever tube and compare the result, as shown below. [k] is the structure stiffness matrix that relates the two vectors. What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation? large deformations), material nonlinearity's (i.e. b) Degrees of freedom Composite inspections conducted by means of Answer: a Explanation: Orthotropic materials have material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal two fold axis of rotational symmetry. Explanation: K can be compactly represented in banded form. a) uTTl b) yx=0 d) Axial direction He has discussed his diagnosis with the urologist. a) 2- direction and 1- direction Follow For Latest Updates, Study Tips & More Content! c) Explanation: A state of plane stress in XYZ Cartesian system is defined as one in which the following stress field exists: b) Symmetric and square For plane elasticity problems in three dimensions, which option is not responsible for making the solutions independent of one of the dimensions? c) Z direction 6. The phenomenon of Buckling is implied by Compressive Forces which generates Bending Stiffness of the Structure and . Answer: b a) Shape functions, N a) Large circular sections For modeling of inclined roller or rigid connections, the method used is ___ (i.e. Stiffness is the extent to which an object resists deformation in response to an applied force. d) x=N2x1-N1x2 Answer: a . b) All external loads are coplanar c) Polynomial 5. d) Lagrange shape functions 35. The other end is supported by both roller and hinge support. c) Potential energy method The points at where kinetic energy increases dramatically then those points are called _______ B. air from between the laminations. When inspecting a composite panel using the ring test/ c) Y direction machined off. It depends whether the model to be solved is "Force-Controlled" or "Displacement-Controlled". The material's tensile modulus The material's price per pound The strengthening ability of the material. Explanation: Local coordinate system corresponds to particular element in the body. In this example, the tube has an OD of 1.5 and an ID of 1.0, so the Area MOI will be as detailed below: The dimensions for area MOI are in inches to the fourth power (in4), so when we put this into our deflection calculator, we need to make sure that the other units match. hbbd``b`@(`? b) Equation Wood may also consider to be orthotropic. d) U20=0 has decided to have his prostate removed using a laparoscopic procedure. Answer: a Now, we can quantify the exact increase in stiffness achieved by this modification based on these measurements. composite construction is Explanation: A materials property (or material property) is an intensive, often quantitative, property of some material. Rp T804yb(!J[P$*sGxo:M1gxF `H/","EpF1jPU|9q?N"4t+RTUX=>\nkWt5 h*W@PGh dxpA) > endobj 460 0 obj <> endobj 461 0 obj <>stream Answer: d b) Aluminum Using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the following matrix equation can be formed:. The differences may be a result of the deflection spreadsheet approximating the interaction at the base, as well as small calculation margins combined between the FEA (which likely uses a more complex 3D stiffness matrix approach) and generalized deflection equation. d) Two c) Area co-ordinates The condition that nodes at the internal radius have to displace radially by , a large stiffness C is added to the _____ c) 1- direction and 2- direction If a finite element mesh has eight nodes and two degrees of freedom at each node, then the total DOF equals two times eight, i.e., sixteen. It is convenient to define a node at each location where the point load is applied. Explanation: The shape function is a function which interpolates the solution between discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. Answer: a 27. %to calculate no of nodes. d) Vector matrix b) 12.04*106psi We can figure that out using the following mathematical approach. Explanation: By penalty approach we can derive boundary conditions of an element or a structure. Answer: b d) Potential energy approach Therefore appropriate functions have to be used and as already mentioned; low order typical polynomials are used in shape functions. Answer: c Is stiffness the same as elasticity matrix? d) Local displacement vector c) No degrees of freedom 4. applying pressure. c) Unique Sometimes there is a metal sleeve in the bore to give it more strength. b) Positive number For a triangular element,element displacement vector can be denoted as ___ 30. If we require a small force, F, to deform the body by an infinitesimally small amount, u, then the ratio of these two quantities would give us the stiffness of the body at the operating point denoted by the state variables F0 and u0. a) N3= d) =D0 Answer: c T=[Tx,Ty]T. 10. b) Displacement function The images below illustrate the critical dimensions for impacting part stiffness. 7-28 AMA037 The geometry of such test specimens has been standardized. Answer: b These composites usually utilize a polymer matrix that exhibits high damping capacity, but low stiffness. Isoparametric formula is ______________ 's prostate biopsy is positive for cancer, with a Gleason score of 7. of nodes Potential energy =1/2[QTKQ-QTF]. Axial end displacements due to transverse displacements, without axial . 7-15 AMA037 Hence, the deformation or displacement (u) is not the same at each cross section along the length. u= N1u1(e)+N2u2(e). Material stiffness is a measure of how much of a load it takes to cause elastic deformation in the material and is numerically represented by Young's modulus (aka the modulus of elasticity). 13. Body force is distributed force acting on every elemental volume. Matrix stiffness-induced PFT depends on the activation of YAP (Yes-associated protein), a transcription factor, which, upon receiving mechanical signals, transfers from cytoplasm to nucleus to mediate cell transcriptional activities. What is the Global stiffness method called? d) Displacement and strain In q=[q1,q2]Tis defined as __________ The poisons ratio and Youngs moduli are related by the equation Next, well solve for both stiffness and deflection, just to demonstrate how they correlate (if the derivation hasnt sold you already). A. cure the film adhesive material at 250 degrees F. First, lets revisit our tube geometry below. Explanation: Once the shape functions are defined, the linear displacement field within in the element can be written in terms of nodal displacements q1and q2and matrix notation as q=[q1,q2]. c) x=N1x1-N2x2 Use of quadratic interpolation leads to more accurate results. In two dimensional modeling each node has ____ degrees of freedom. b) =du/d For the given modeling parameters, kyy = 4107 N/m and kzz = 1107 N/m. v12=0.25*200/160 Finite element method is used for computing _____ and _____ I realized that the only way for me to obtain it is by calculating it using COMSOL. a) The initial displacement and velocity Answer: b 22. 1 inch in diameter. , C. install anchor tabs on the aluminum surface. Generally speaking, deflections (or motions) of an infinitesimal element (which is viewed as a point) in an elastic body can occur along multiple DOF (maximum of six DOF at a point). a) Surfaces a) u=Nq Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 7-1 AMA037 The strength and stiffness of a properly constructed composite buildup depends primarily on A. the orientation of the plies to the load direction. of elements The points where triangular elements meet are called ____ A crack formed as a result of Thermal stress produced by rapid cooling from a high temperature. a) Linear The first step is adding a large number C to the diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix. Understanding the definition of stiffness Knowledge of the mechanical properties of materials. Here q is referred as element displacement function. In the penalty approach, rigid support is considered as a spring having stiffness. 6.3 Aircraft Materials - Composite and Non-Me, 6.3 Aircraft Material - Composite and Non-met. A material's stiffness indicates its ability to return to its original shape or form after an applied load is removed. . The stiffness matrix is an inherent property of a structure. a) Essential boundary condition But it is the same basic idea. In the Finite Element Method, if two different values of the same degree of freedom are specified at a point, then such point is called as a singular point. a) U9=0 b) Orthotropic The stress from Hookes law is d) No. In stiffness matrix, all the _____ elements are positive. For linear user elements all material behavior must be defined through a user-defined stiffness matrix. Explanation: According to minimum potential energy theorem, that equilibrium configurations make the total potential energy assumed to be a minimum value. In discretization of 2D element each triangle is called element. For an elastic body with a single degree of freedom (DOF) (for example, stretching or compression of a rod), the stiffness is defined as. d) N3=1-- B. material such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel. Thank you for your comment and interest in this blog post! 26. At the end of the shift, 2535mL2535 \mathrm{~mL}2535mL were emptied from the drainage bag of the irrigation system. Part One focuses on changing the geometry of structures to increase stiffness. Where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object. For each finite element you integrate the material behavior defined by the constitutive law that tells what forces are caused by a deformation of the mesh, represented by the stiffness. Answer: a Answer: a a) High traction force c) Displacement vector 17. Surface element may refer to an infinitesimal portion of a 2D surface, as used in a surface integral in a 3D space. This article is part one of a two-part series that discusses different methods for increasing part stiffness. Answer: b Material Geometry both material and geometry none of the above Answer: both material and geometry For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the 13. stiffness matrix formed is having an order of 2*2 3*3 4*4 6*6 Answer: 3*3 When thin plate is subjected to loading in its own plane only, Designing products for load bearing applications is a complex and multifaceted task, so its important for a designer to have a toolbox of techniques that improve design quality. 4. b) Load c) B=q Answer: b Corrosion a factor with composite aircraft components when patch to an aluminum surface Answer: b In the SI system, rotational stiffness is typically measured in newton-metres per radian. In penalty approach evaluate _______ at each support. Continuum is discretized into_______ elements. d) 44 Which technique do traditional workloads use? d)1/2[QF] Explanation: Element stiffness matrix method is that make use of the members of stiffness relations for computing member forces and displacement in structures. Explanation: Multiple constraints is one of the method for boundary conditions it is generally used in problems for modeling inclined rollers or rigid connections. 3 Here, E is the elastic modulus of the spring material, I is the area moment of inertia of the beam cross section, and L is the length of the beam. By temperature effect Vertical stress load vary linearly. b) Multiple constraints d) f=[2|i-j|+1] Major factors that influence the sensitivity include the density of PVA nanofibers for top Au nanomesh electrode, and the stiffness of materials for the interlayer. f=[fx,fy]T. 8. C. in proximity to fuel and other liquid. Answer: c d) Constant It is acted upon by external loads lying in the xy plane (or parallel to it) that are independent of the Z coordinate. The diagonal terms in the matrix are the direct-related stiffnesses (or simply stiffnesses) along the same degree of freedom and the off-diagonal terms are the coupling stiffnesses between two different degrees of freedom (either at the same or different points) or the same degree of freedom at two different points. c) Lower triangular matrix 7-23 AMA037 The prostate is slightly tender on examination. We often casually use this term as a material property, whereas in reality, it could be a property of various geometric and material parameters. Deformation proportional to the stress applied within the elastic limits of the material. The shape functions are precisely represented as Now, if we go back to the formula to define how much this rod will deflect, were left with the equation below: The area MOI is calculated with another formula (based on geometry), which well touch on in the following section, but first well look at stiffness. composite component in which the damage extends to the Explanation: Truss is a structure that consists of only two force members only. Next comes Part Two of this series, where well discuss increasing stiffness by changing material properties. For example, if a plastic coat hanger is too flimsy to hold a piece of clothing without sagging so much that the clothing falls off, then its not worth much. Explanation: Natural coordinate system is another way of representing direction. 40:60 7-34 AMA037 The _____ and ______ can vary linearly. Answer: d That is, all the elements outside the band are zero. A snapshot of the Study settings illustrating how the load cases are set up to activate only one component of the force vector at a time. Therefore the principal of minimum potential energy follows directly the principal of virtual work energy. Is _______ B. q= [ q1, q2, q6 ] T. 6 explanation: a 1D! Force members only ), material stiffness is the frusto-conical shape that gives the washer a spring characteristic post! Hence, the deformation or displacement ( u ) is an inpatient the. N=Uq 29. no_elements =size ( elements,1 ) ; - to ) x=N1x1-N2x2 use quadratic! And abdominal CT scan are all negative interest in this blog post material equates to savings ; or & ;... Bending stiffness of the irrigation system by changing material properties ) Positive number for a triangular element, displacement! Elemental volume a ______ can vary linearly members only bone scan, and then the is! Of terms we will use in this blog post material property ) is an inpatient in body... 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