Personal Trainer Marketing Should Take On Many Forms

by glenn on September 21, 2011

Marketing is about building awareness for your business. Marketing can bring new business opportunities, but is not an immediate guarantee that new business will come. As a personal trainer, it is important to do all kinds of marketing from a grass roots effort to social media. If you aren’t doing several of them at once, you could be missing out on some new clients and revenue. Rightfully so, you have to be concerned with the cost of these services and their possible return on your investment.
The initial cost of designing, printing, and distributing of flyers and postcards can easily run into the hundreds or thousands depending on how many you are printing and the print quality. Thankfully, over time the cost goes down if you continue to use your existing design. Unfortunately, flyers, postcards and the like have a limited shelf life and once they have been removed or all been picked up they are gone until another distribution is contracted.
You could also consider giving away free sessions to charity events or school auctions. In any case, your session rate times the number of sessions you perform is the cost of trying to acquire a new customer. Even though there is no out of pocket cost, this can be a costly way to advertise. Be careful not to work for free during a desirable time slot when you could be earning money. The internet is the newest frontier and a necessary avenue of promotion. However, this can involve the most upfront capital. Search engine optimization includes building a website and optimizing for keywords. This will easily cost thousands of dollars initially. There are a number of items you can do for free, but it takes a lot of time and patience to get your website the way you want it, as well as competitive rankings. Rankings are what you need if you want people to be able to find your website. If you go with Google’s pay per click advertising, realize that anything related to NYC personal training is going to cost $3-$7 anytime someone were to click on your ad. Even if they click in error and go right back, you still pay Google. That said, 100 clicks will cost you $300-$700. It can add up quickly. As a less expensive, and much less technical, alternative to building your on website and optimizing it yourself, you may consider joining a fitness community website, like NeighborhoodTrainers. In addition to the fitness community membership, you may have event opportunities, blog opportunities, monthly newsletter “healthy tips” contribution opportunities, among others. This can provide a lot of value without the headaches of running your own site.
Again, these are just a smattering of strategies that a personal trainer NYC should use. They all work well together. Use some of them as well as others, for value comparisons. Whatever you choose, do not to give up on your marketing strategy too quickly. Make sure you are properly funded so you can sustain it for a period of time to give it a chance. Also, don’t expect everything to happen because you initiated something. Rather, use it to reach out to clients, prospects, friends, etc. Tell others what you’ve done. Put it on your Facebook page. Email every one of your prospects and then follow up with a phone call. Have your friends forward your link or like you link on Facebook. After all, a personal trainer NYC can never rule out the benefits of receiving a referral.


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