jl collins daughter

by on April 4, 2023

I want to grow the pools, then maximize them for tax-efficiency, charitable giving, and to benefit my heirs. I think it is great fund to choose considering the market is all time high. Ask him bout the exploding rocks. We are very appreciated if you can help us to get this information. I feel like I dont have time to be conservative. He is receiving from seventeen to twenty thousand dollars a year as General . With all this said, I seek to grow all three buckets of resources and find your writing super helpful toward that end. . My experience: my return over the last 12 years was 10.09% (Stocks/Bonds allocation was 90/10) and the Index fund that followed S&P 500 in my account gave 11.12%. In 2011, he wrote a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing; what had worked and what had kicked him in the ass. There is still a $3000 initial investment, but a 0.04% expense ratio. 1 in 20, and think of all of those management expenses that got paid out as well! But I tried too hard. What is the best point of contact for you? Are they better off dribbling it in over time to protect themselves against the risk of plowing a bunch of money to work into the market at precisely the wrong time? Question: 1 Under 1% falls within the margin of error and you could equally say you can maybe lose extra 1% long term. What is certain, your expenses will be a bit higher as will your volatility. Collins: Oh, they're too numerous to name individually. My guess is that they are less well regulated and that this might give rise to the ability of some insiders to trade on information not available to others. How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part II: The Limits of the Law. Not the case. hello from India. But that is only a guess. Trying to decide if I should leave that alone or move it to VTSAX. Ill keep an eye out for more books in the posts. Id try to figure out how to live on just my partners income, go to school part-time and keep working, or keep working until I had the money saved. Could you please advise if the Chinese translation rights are handled by you directly and is still available? The author and financial blogger discusses why less is more in investing and his controversial take that homeownership often doesn't add up financially. When it is out, Ill announce it here on the blog and put up an ad for it under the one for the print version. Please advise. . What is your take on a possible currency crisis? The question refers to the so called safe rate of withdrawal: It is mostly supposed, that people adjust their withdrawals to inflation. Would it make sense to roll both of them into a traditional IRA? I really look forward to your thoughts! Through reading your series, bouncing to all the external links, and re organizing my portfolio Ive come to understand why Im working and what Im working for. Any words of wisdom? Volunteer work through Junior Achievement in Los Angeles. Big fan of the book from Virginia. We built wealth using a similar strategy as JL Collins-using index funds to get in the stock market in diversified ways. Pretty much in that order although Ive done some more than once. We have new alternatives that could help you do just that. The email goes on to explain that the new ETFs are Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock ETF (ESGV) and Vanguard ESG International Stock ETF (VSGX). Develop Your Skills and Talents By Shawn Jenkins and Jonathan Mendonsa Shawn Have you ever considered your career to be like a brokerage account for financial freedom? You can see a full tour on youtube if you search "ultimate off-grid van life" Anyways if you need solar we got you : ), MONEY: . It covers woodworking tools, raw materials, techniques and constructions, veneering and marquetry, use of glass, metal and leather, and much more. Your email address will not be published. $212 x 30 months = $6360 Since money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world we've created, understanding it is critical. After a downturn several years ago, my husband and I took money out of the market and put it into cash. Hi, Jim. Thank you for distilling your wisdom and sharing with the world. You''ll never find a wiser advisor with a bigger heart." Used to be in NH. And it would be a valuable (to the rest of us, not to you) resource. Things like if you had to draw it up wouldn't be a part of a target-date fund, because you don't really think that they're unnecessary, or maybe the target-date fund overdoes it in some cases? You may have said this in the book, but I may have misunderstood it, my apology. They'll pick different locations in the United States and they'll show a picture of a house you can buy in Tennessee for $1 million versus Florida versus California versus New York. On Twitter, gone for Chautauqua and dark on comments till November, Tuft & Needle: Our Walnut Frame and Mint Mattress, Kibanda Part 5: Pretty, and pretty much done, Stocks--Part XXXIV: How to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, My Talk at Google, Playing with FIRE and other Chautauqua connections, Stocks -- Part XXXII: Why you should not be in the stock market, An International Portfolio from The Escape Artist, How to Invest in Bitcoin like Benjamin Graham, Sleeping soundly thru a market crash: The Wasting Asset Retirement Model. $5105 cash The condensed version would contain 80% of your insights, but the reader will not realize it. And what was the impetus for you to get started sharing what you had learned with a broader audience via your blog and your books? Having read your book, I will take your guidance to be VTSAX. I have really enjoyed reading through your website. ). Im working for a big French publisher who is extremely interested in acquiring French translation rights to your book. Fully max out these before any 529 plans. Verify your identity, personalize the content you receive, or create and administer your account. I would greatly appreciate your time and opinion, Mr. Collins. It happened to be one that had a 96% success ratio. Would also like to explore how we can license some of your contents on this blog. I am working on my emergency fund, I have about $10k in cash now in an HYSA. Suzanne, Hi Suzanne I am 25 years old and planning to invest long term. But now Im curious. Great to hear this blog lead you to MF and MMM, two of my personal favorites. My advice is to focus on making the most out of your time and create quality relationships with people in both your personal life and career. And I know that from experience, not only my own, but watching other people, that if you get money right, your life is far easier and more opportunities and rich and rewarding than if you don't get money right. That's what allows you to benefit from the volatility of the market. Kind of disturbing for those of us who invest at Vanguard. Let me know if you have any concerns. Good for Jims blogger fans to see how the Red Road merges with business, life and money. Homeownership is the American religion as James Altucher has said a number of years ago, and that's not an accident, that's by design. money is in an ETRADE account in the US, but being that we are in I especially liked your article on Dr. Ive always worked, but made enough to travel, quit, then repeat. I reread the posts and still cant decide what to allocate! COLLINS. But the truth is when you look at that research, 4% is very, very conservative. Stocks -- Part XIII: The 4% rule, withdrawal rates and how much can I spend anyway? "But Dad," she once said, "I know money is important. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google retire early marketing stories. I never felt overly confident in my thoughts because there are so many different opinions on the subject of personal finance. First time reader of your blog and already a huge fan! Ive always enjoyed reading your blog and and I appreciate what you do. . Other half not impressed, clings to the old traditional view, does not want to give up comfort of owned home for freedom, prefers to stay in gilded cage. Loving work, loving our clients, excited to keep growing. One Taiwanese publisher is interested in the complex Chinese rights of The Simple Path to Wealth, could you please ask your agent to contact me if the rights are still available? Thanks! There's a certain percentage, and I think it's like 20% or 25% that will outperform it on any given year. It all would have been extremely I could send it via PM. It almost seems too simple . Houses are an expensive indulgence, not an investment. This threw me off. The author created the book for his adolescent daughter, who has little interest in investing and therefore needs an easy, automatic path to achieving her financial goals. By the same token, if the market just stays flat, your result will be less because it took you longer to put that money to work. Hi Jim, In your 80s and 90s, not so useful. We connected on Twitter about publishing your book in South East Asia. Well also pay cash so that comes to ($xxx 20%). researched several other books on investing, but it was your simple Very similar to the build-up to the 2008 disaster, in which every square inch of open land has been turned into mud, with cranes and construction vehicles proliferating like ants. Readers from all over have added their insights. I would be delighted to have you interview me and Im honored youd ask. This fund invests 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. Having just finished your book, and graduation around the corner, Id like to get all 15 seniors a copy of your book. You can reach me via the email I filled in on your form when I posted this comment, or via my contact form on my website (averybreyer-dot-com/contact/). I have been in Betterment for several years and have built this up fairly well, however, when I tried to move a good portion of this into Vanguard (VTSAX) last year I found that Betterment doesnt facilitate any type of transfer and I would have to cash out and re-invest into Vanguard. Australia, Vanguard will not open a new account for us even though we So we decided to find an investment advisor who could guide us against such reactionary behavior. any guidance on this or any lead that i can follow? People will read it and then go buy your book(s). "Harry M. * Collins; three stepsons, Sergt William C. * Collins, Glover and Amos Coninsf one step t daughter. I kind of wish Id gotten to it sooner. J.L. , Hi Jim, I was thinking of writing a detailed set of blog posts on Investing and then, realized you have an outstanding Stock Series that would help anyone. Or any books you recommend. Why have you not chosen to do that? I hope I have been able to do justice to your work, in some small measure. I'm Christine Benz, director of personal finance and retirement planning for Morningstar. I'm just going to continue to put myself on blast here to initiate my own public case study on myself. Look forward to hearing from you. Hope to hear from you soon! And with very rare exception, renting is far more powerful than homeownership and your lower monthly costs in that apartment over owning that house with all the expenses that come with it, invested in index funds over time will probably make you much wealthier. Collins: Well, first of all, I agree with you, it is simpler. Thank you so much! I work for a 401k company and teach doctors/nurses/housekeepers at some big hospital systems about how money works. Hello Jl Dear Mr. J.L.Collins, Dang,Jim! So, you will wind up with a less-good result at the end of the day. My thought is to try to do this in different proportions (%) at different stages in the cycle. I logged into my accounts and looked at the expense ratios; not terrible, but I know I could do better myself. Jim Collins has literally done it all. Jim, Id like to invite you to a speaking engagement with a personal finance club in the greater DC area in early September. I would love for you to appear as a guest as I believe you have great insights to offer others and our generation could take a lot from your experiences. And again, they're a fund of funds, so some of those funds have higher expense ratios, higher costs than simply a basic broad-based index fund. My response was The Simple Path to Wealth is all anyone needs and I sent him a copy. I was trying to help an older women to choose a vanguard fund for her IRA. . ? Its amazing how our own minds dont want to face facts (I have personally had many experiences trying to time the markets and have failed miserably Im going ahead and buying VTSAX! Follow the principles in the Stock Series (which of course you have/will read carefully) and begin pouring your savings into your investments. Carmen. Here's the one I like: 25x the annual amount you spend/4% of your assets. But my bigger objection to it is that it's not a very effective financial way to build wealth. Thanks for your efforts, really great content. 20 years out this will give some folks the opportunity to tell me, See, I told you so. Well done! Stocks Part XXIX: How to save money for college. It took stumbling on this blog and approximately 48 hours later to move all my sons 529 funds into VTSAX. My guess is likely not. Benz: Just to follow up on that, does that give you pause given that it seems like by most measures, non-U.S. stocks are inexpensive relative to U.S. today? JL Collins: Thank you. I walked away with my pension of 35k and thats it after solicitors were paid. I am currently working as a software engineer, but I am always fascinated by investing research stuff. Questions like yours fit best here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/ask-jlcollinsnh/. . Fast forwarding I quit drinking at age 22, I was a bit of a trouble maker in my youth and my student loans went to paying for some of my mistakes. He was resigned to a future of scarcity before we had this conversation. I couldnt put it down and finished it in 2 days. Also, if you think it deserves it, please put a 5-star review of the book on Amazon. Develop and improve features of our offerings. There was the pretty sharp drop during COVID. Long time reader, lurker, and fan of your content. JL Collins recently released his first book, The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life. Enjoy your Spitfire. Such opinions are subject to change. I really appreciate the insight and speedy response. Cheers!! Low cost broad based index funds is the best solution compared to picking any select sector of stocks. I guess this topic would deserve an in depth exploration. Hi JL affiliate company which focuses on the following topics: Tech That's one of the reasons we work hard and save and invest money. SoThanks! Could someone explain how this mutual fund works in regards to this topic? I started a non-profit, ngpf.org, to improve the quality of financial education in high schools. It's the one that's garnered me the most hate, and it's the one that's also garnered me the most love. But I stepped away from it because it just was too much like work and it was not the kind of work that I personally enjoyed. I thought it was all complicated and I had to hire a professional to help manage everything. Im Mike and Ive been on a bit of a mission to educate myself financially over the last 9 months or so. I view them as an expensive indulgence if you will. I have forwarded your contact info to my agent. Thanks for the kind words and interest, Justin! Your message about index funds needs to be taught in every high school and college in America. If I were to add international, this would be the fund Id chose and with it you no longer need VTSAX/VTI. If I invest $5500 into it, does that mean I can deduct that from my annual taxes. That is handled through Amazon or your local bookstore. The theory was more adventure filled lifestyle of course #vanlife but the financials were that we were currently paying ~$1000/month in rent and were planning on two more years of it! Hey Jim under your original comment here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/03/my-short-attention-span/, youre gonna have to start reading this blog a lot closer, my friend. You should expand the book and contract it. Yes, the markets have been down, but we will come out of this mess and the economy will recover. Ive read through your entire blog and recently read your book (within 5 hours). http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-bull-market-could-be-here-to-stay-2017-05-17. When I discovered your talk at Google on YouTube, I really enjoyed what I heard and decided to purchase your book. As I was explaining the ins and outs of your incredibly simple system, I became more and more elated as I realized that we have the good fortune to be able to take control of our future in a way I never thought was possible without hitting the lottery. have you had a chance to look at how Indian mutual funds have performed? Benz: This is a great list. Who knew that a four-year-old would want to go through The Wall Street Journal with you, but there you go. I am also sure, that it is wise, not to be all to dependent on the shiny illusion, that consumption will make you happy. I was wondering if you could help me understand this. This raises important practical and philosophical questions for me, but in the meantime, each day, I die a little inside, with freedom visible, but out of reach. My wife Jane and I have been married since 1982. But you might also try to negotiate for a lower bill first. Just invest the surplus in a simple way. They are justifiably famous. No real strategic reason. Now hes looking forward to grabbing ahold a future of abundant freedom. Download The Simple Path to Wealth PDF book free by J.L. Your name came up as a potential interviewee. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2014/12/07/whistleblower-alleges-vanguard-cheated-on-taxes-costing-taxpayers-more-than-1-billion/, Heres my take: https://jlcollinsnh.com/ask-jlcollinsnh/#comment-4213814. Mr. Collins is currently traveling and unable to respond just now. A huge thanks for any feedback in advance. PER YEAR $ 56,042.88 Another note we have paid our house and live very frugally. Though it is a younger ETF, it seems VOO has slightly outperformed VTI historically. Crashes are a normal part of the process. VTSAX since 2000 seems to have averaged around 7.8% (maybe I got this wrong). There was this comment in marketwatch that recommend this site and I find topics here are both informative and entertaining. Also, Ive decided its the perfect graduation present for anyone in my life. Benz: Our guest on the podcast today is author and blogger JL Collins. Is there another option to invest in smaller amounts over a period of time ? Second option is to pay them cash of $5105. Research indicates, going out 30 years, less than 1% of active fund out perform. Chautauqua 2015 Reviews, 2016 registration open, Case Study #15: The Scavenger Life -- Freedom first, then Financial Independence, 3rd Annual (2015) Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2016, Personal Capital; and how to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, Stockchoker: A look back at what your investment might have been, Case Study #14: To Dream the Impossible Dream (and then realize it), Gone for Summer, an important note on comments and random cool stuff that caught my eye, Stocks Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, Stocks -- Part XXVIII: Debt - The Unacceptable Burden, Case Study #12: Escaping a soul-crushing job before you're 70, Case Study #11: John, a small business owner in transition, Trish and Stan take an Intrepid Sailing Voyage, 2014 Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2015, Chautauqua February 7-14, 2015: Escape from Winter, Stocks -- Part XXVII: Why I Dont Like Dollar Cost Averaging, Jack Bogle and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I am new to your work and read your book this week. "The Alfred Hitchcock Path to FI," by JL Collins, jlcollinsnh.com, May 5, 2021. Doc G was spot on regarding so many points. Almost anything can fit if it captures my imagination and I think you might be interested. Speaking of the enjoyment of hardship, if you put your tale of woe to music it would make a great country/western song, .you know the ones your ex-beautiful blond girlfriend probably liked. ! One could frame it like this: They move down the social ladder a little bit, respectively quite a lot over long periods of time as far as this social ladder is defined by your relative consumption level. And I suppose if I were going to add some spice to my index funds, I would want to look at that kind of thing. I haven't owned an individual stock probably since 2013, 2014, something like that. For any of you interested, heres what I sent Mike: http://27goodthings.com/2013/07/01/james-collins/. Our digital financial feed includes bite-sized learning packs across five categories: budget, save, invest, earn, and mental health & money. So, there has long been a push in this country to own your own home. As I get older, I am quickly coming closer to the age where having a basket of fixed assets will make a lot of sense versus 100% stocks. We used to get down to RI on a regular basis our daughter went to URI. My friend was in a state of shock. Id like to take a further discussion with them. JL Collins has been an investor since 1975. For some people buying a house IS the right emotional decision and so long as they are cognizant of the associated cost there is no intrinsically right or wrong choice. It is wonderful to enjoy your work and hopfully you will for a long, long time. Ive have listened to your book twice (We road trip a lot) and have taken extensive notes. And the right attitudes that you need to have to do that. And my own parents were a good example of that. Open up Index funds! Your insights are invaluable and Ive proudly shared the link with colleagues. I love the content here on the site and am buying your book this afternoon. You bought a second Spitfire after owning the first??!! MMM was the source and I have a lot to catch up on. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/ Reply. I have a question on the actual return. Be sure to read the comments, too. Best, JL blogs about financial and other matters at JLCollinsnh.com. I have been consuming a ton of information on the subject lately, the foundation of that pursuit being The Simple Path. I included a chapter about them. Rather, he does a good job of making you aware of how much you can lose. To me this looks like both asset classes lost large, and I fail to see the protection that fixed assets are meant to provide. ): So, those are just some. That makes her hot. However . What I mean is augment the information in the book to address some important asides and create a condensed version (maybe you already have one in this: https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/08/how-i-failed-my-daughter-and-a-simple-path-to-wealth/, starting with It starts with nine basics. PROSPECTIVE SURVIVOR PER YEAR $ 28,021.44. And on your Ecuador example, I would submit that a few thousand dollars a year should not swing the decision (not that you shouldnt do the calculation). I dont think Ive ever had a health question. The working title is Pathfinders: Travelers Tales from the Simple Path to Wealth. ..for your very kind words. You state that the Roth is a great pool of money to give to your heirs. When we got off the phone she said under her breath, Thanks JL. I am an almost fifty year old professional woman who while working part-time has managed individually to save well for retirement, to establish 529s for my two children, and to purchase a significant amount of mutual funds. I also request your views on my other articles and participation in my website. Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer: Why Retirement Savings Options for Educators Are So Bad, Stocks--Part XV: Target Retirement Funds, the Simplest Path to Wealth of All. Hanover co'unty. industries. Please reach out to me by email if youre interested in discussing. That one came out in 2021. They are only making Collins index fund greater so that he will never have to work. Couldnt agree more with renting- 2016 by J L Collins (Author), Mr. Money Mustache (Foreword) 8,395 ratings Kindle Edition 7.01 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover 17.99 4 New from 17.99 Paperback But anyway, so I've experienced both. Benz: George Castady is our engineer for the podcast and Kari Greczek produces the show notes each week. You should have 708321 using vtsax and 682679 using s&p 500 index fund . Hey, gimme a break. I dont want money ou attention, just spread the info in my country. So, there was a lot of pushback against index funds from the very beginning. Our daughter Jessica graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Rhode Island, served in the Philippines with the Peace Corp and is well established in her business career. Unlike the example above, I the owner cannot choose to hold the assets no matter what the market is doing. Let me check out your site and Ill send you a PM. I look forward to your announcement! And, of course, the house you get for that set price of money is dramatically different depending on where it's located. Just recently discovered your website and so thankful I did! Hope this email finds you well. After all, those of us drawn to this path are the odd ones out. My names Eliza, Im a co founder @ Learnt. If you dont have those things please stay clear of all the retire early marketing stories. This was the first civilized meal, but more important the conversation about how to handle their savings and investing. Everything You Should Have Been Taught About Investing in School, But Weren't, by Brian Feroldi, Quit Like a Millionaire: No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required, by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung, Cashing Out: Win the Wealth Game by Walking Away, by Julien and Kiersten, Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor's Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life, by Jordan Grumet. With the official launch of our app in Jan 2020 with over 5000+ members signed onto our beta program, I wanted to invite you to join our beta program where you will receive early access to our financial content and collaborate with other personal finance influencers from around the world to shape how Gen Z should perceive finance. That was by the realtor board (imagine that?!) Thank you for all of your work Jim, it certainly has not fallen on deaf ears. The Simple Path To Wealth. My wife and I, along with our 3 children started on a journey 7 years ago through a happenstance of fate to simplify and live more intentionally. And on my lunch hour one day, I walked down Michigan Avenue to a brokerage office that I'd seen the storefront and walked in, and I said, I'd like to talk to somebody about buying some stock. And they introduced me to the broker, and he sat down and asked me what, looking back on now, were actually pretty good questions. I will forward your contact info to my agent. And, of course, both of those stocks, they're not value stocks, shall we say? It doesnt help that the few times my husband and I jumped into the market, we lost and lost big. If there are any questions, please feel free to ask us. I figured if I could do that twice a week,or hell,even 5 times a month,I could make it. That is not bad. VTSAX was created in 2000, but you use other stocks as representations of the market before then? As Ive said before, I owned them for 28 years myself. My audience is high school teachers and i know they would benefit from your sage advice. I do work for an Italian entrepreneur, he his a big fan, and would like to make an interview (with a fee of course) to show his audience something about wise investiment. glad you are here and I appreciate you letting me know! However, we can tell you the site does not accept sponsored posts. I suppose wed look to do the same again, but only after checking out what the ACA had to offer. Heres a podcast episode to get you started: And I'm old enough to have lived in that investing world before Jack Bogle and fortunately after Jack Bogle. Was in touch with Anna previously but it didnt work out. When I came across your book, it seemed to me everyone should read it. These guys are direct and precise like the book. Hey Jim! And rich. . I was introduced to your blogs through Frugalwoods website and I have enjoyed reading all your info. DEBT: Student Loans + A few credit cards along the way = BAD (guilt shame embarrassment etc). #1 Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins. I think if people have been listening, they've concluded buy total stock market index, add bonds as you go along, avoid homeownership. Peter Lynch was my first exposure to mutual funds. COVID-19: The unvarnished truth from Doc G. Mr. Bear, Podcasts, a good book and why I should be in 100% stocks. I went to the automatic investments page on Vanguard, and saw that it does allow me to setup a monthly investment of $500 into VTSAX. I understand there might be piracy issues or the likes? We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. Not late at all, WE. So, anyway. And I think it's certainly a great book for African Americans to read but a great book, I would say, for anybody who was thinking about following a path like this and is wondering, Is somebody with my background that doesn't feel like it's typical, can I really do this? So, that's another one. Not your age. And I'm very much in favor of that. Of your work, in some small measure own parents were a good example that! The best solution compared to picking any select sector of stocks piracy issues or the?! Fund Id chose and with it you no longer need VTSAX/VTI extremely could! For college unable to respond just now s & p 500 index fund planning for Morningstar reader will realize. Marketing stories a great pool of money is dramatically different depending on where 's... 40 % in bonds was in touch with Anna previously but it work... Wisdom and sharing with the world money works them for tax-efficiency, charitable giving and! 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