mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria

by on April 4, 2023

Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance; involved in the crackdown on the civilian population. Business Lab is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0031. As Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. The Syrian Military Intelligence is one of the four major branches of Syria's security forces and has used force against and arrested demonstrators participating in the unrest. Syrian Arab Airlines (also known as Syrian Air) 50 Megatrade 51 Expert Partners 52 Syrias Army Supply Bureau PART 2 Individuals 1 Bashar al-Assad 2 Farouk al-Shaara 3 Adel Safar 4 Ali Habib Mahmoud 5 Maher al-Assad 6 Ali Mamlouk 7 Muhammad Ibrahim al-Shaar 8 Atif Najib 9 Hafez Makhlouf 10 Mohammad Dib Zaytun 11 Amjad Passport No. Vice-President of SyriaTel and caretaker for Rami Makhlouf's US company; provides funding to the regime allowing the crackdown on demonstrators. a) Farouk AL CHAR', b) Farouq AL CHAR', c) Faruq AL CHAR', d) Farouk AL SHAR', e) Farouq AL SHAR', f) Farouk AL SHARA, g) Farouk AL SHARA', h) Farouq AL SHARA, i) Farouq AL SHARA', j) Faruq AL SHARA, k) Faruq AL SHARA'. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Fax +963112216975. The user is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft. Syria . [1][dead link][3] This intelligence service has been headed by Major General Ghaith Shafeeq Deeb since February 5, 2021.[4]. Pilns vrds/Nosaukums. Le Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de l'conomie est charg de l'excution du prsent arrt. Brigadier, Presidential Adviser on Security Affairs. We offer indoor facilities that include many of our inflatables for a great price. Instrument of first designation and declaration. Box 35202, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Last known position: General Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (Retired). Gnral de division Mohamed (ou Mohammad, Muhammad, Mohammed) Khaddor (ou Khaddour, Khaddur, Khadour, Khudour), Commandant de la 106e brigade, Garde prsidentielle; Sexe: masculin. 2nd Floor, Al Qudsi Building, Baramkeh, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Diplomatic passport number 2246. Brigadier General, Commander of 106th Brigade, Presidential Guard. Last known position: Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Armoured Division. a) Tawfik YOUNES, b) Tawfik YUNES, c) Tawfiq YUNES. Box 9525, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Cofondateur de Cham Holding et membre de son conseil dadministration. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0024. Lieu de naissance: Damas- Campagne; Sexe: masculin. SOR/2011-220, s. 3. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Syria) Amendment List 2013, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) Amendment List 2013. A t impliqu dans la rpression violente exerce contre la population civile en Syrie. Director of the Military Housing Establishment, who has provided funds to the Assad regime; first cousin of President Assad. 23.1.2012. WebMohamed Heikmat Ibrahim. Cham Holding is the largest holding company in Syria. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared PersonsSyria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) Amendment (Continuation of Effect) Instrument 2020. a) Mohammad Saeed BUKHAYTAN, b) Mohammad Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, c) Mohammad Said BUKHAYTAN, d) Mohammad Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, e) Mohammed Saeed BUKHAYTAN, f) Mohammed Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, g) Mohammed Said BUKHAYTAN, h) Mohammed Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, i) Muhammad Saeed BUKHAYTAN, j) Muhammad Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, k) Muhammad Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, l) Mohammed Saeed BEKHEITAN. Ancien chef de la division Scurit intrieure de la direction des enseignements gnraux; impliqu dans les violences exerces contre la population civile. A Syrian state-owned financial institution which provides financial support to the regime and is an agent of designated Syrian and North Korean WMD proliferators and engaging in dealings with designated Iranian banks. Last known position: President of the Syrian Arab Republic and CommanderinChief of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces. Designated as a Syrian government official, a General in the Syrian miltiary and commander within Syria's 4th Arnmored Division, which is a key regime protection unit. Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Syria. En tant quancien ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Major General, Deputy Head, Syrian Air Force Intelligence, responsible for the use of violence across Syria and intimidation and torutre of ptotestors. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0031. Le Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de l'conomie est charg de l'excution du prsent arrt.Fait Monaco, en l'Htel du Gouvernement, le vingt-neuf mai deux mille dix-neuf. - l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionA Personnes, les mentions ci-aprs sont supprimes:75. Prcdemment gouverneur de Lattaqui. Tel +963119962. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0002. Last known position: Major General and Commander Special Forces. Member of Syrian electronic army. Passport No. Major General, Commander of 3rd Division. Promu au grade de colonel en 2018. Chef du service de renseignement militaire syrien, section de Deraa. Close associate of President Bashar ALASSAD and Mahir ALASSAD (until at least 2012). WebCouncil Decision (CFSP) 2019/806 of 17 May 2019 amending Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria Council Regulation (EU) 36/2012 (the Regulation) imposing financial sanctions against Syria has been amended. Last known position: Brigadier General and senior member of the Syrian Arab Armys 14th Division. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0021, Cham Holding Building, Daraa Highway, P.O. This list amends the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons - Syria) List 2012. Very close to key government officials. : 4138. Vice President of the Syrian Arab Republic, responsible for violence against demonstrators. 23.1.2012 21. Brigadier General, Commander of 555th Regiment. Schedules. 1, Schedule1Amendments 2, Part1Continuation of effect of designations and declarations 2, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) List 2012 2, Part2Updated lists of designated and declared persons and designated entities 3, Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) List 2012 3. Tel: +963112725499. This instrument is made under paragraphs6(1)(a) and (b) and subregulation9(3) of the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations2011. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0035, a) Talal MAKHLOUF, b) Talal Shafiq MAKHLUF, AlQardaha, Latakia, Syrian Arab Republic. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0001. DK Group. Responsable des violences exerces contre des manifestants Deraa. Tel: +96311, Hamcho International is a Syrian holding company providing support to the Syrian regime. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0013. (a) the day after this instrument is registered; and. Head of Deraa Regional Branch (Political Security Directorate).As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Major General, Deputy Chief of Staff. Head of the police of Al Hassaka. Director of the supplies office of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, entry point for all arms acquisitions by the Syrian army. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0019, Al Watan Newspaper - Damascus - Duty Free Zone, Daily newspaper which participates in campaigns to spread disinformation and incite violence against demonstrators. Box 933, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, c) Aleppo Branch, Kastel Hajjarin St., P.O. Full name/Name. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Passport no. Telephone: +963119962, +9631166814000, +963116731044. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0025. Lieu de naissance: Damas, Rpublique arabe syrienne; Ancien gouverneur de Damas, nomm par Bashar Al-Assad et li celui-ci. The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list. - l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionA Personnes les mentions existantes sont remplaces par les mentions suivantes: Muhammad Dib Zaytun (ou Mohammed Dib Zeitoun; ou Mohamed Dib Zeitun). ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, Atjaunots: 24.02.2023. Fonction: actionnaire principal de la socit Exceed Development and Investment. Head of Political Security in Banias, has been involved in violence against demonstrators in Baida. Was appointed Foreign and Expatriates Minister in February 2006. Senior Assad regime official who is a principal defender of the regime's activities. Provides support to the Syrian army for the acquisition of equipment used directly for the surveillance and repression of demonstrators, Cham Holding (note: this is a correction. Bena Properties is tied to public corruption in Syria and is owned by Rami Makhlouf, a designated individual. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0037, Major General, Commander of 4th Division, ordered troops to shoot at protesters in and around Damascus, including Mo"adamiyeh, Douma, Abasiyeh, Duma. Telephone: 963, Mada Transport Group is a subsidiary of Cham Holding (controlled by Rami MAKHLOUF). This instrument amends the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) List 2012 to continue the designations and/or declarations of 116 persons and entities who the Foreign Affairs Minister is satisfied meet the criteria for the continuation of targeted financial sanctions and travel bans under the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011. Tel: +963-11-221-2345 Fax: +963-11-44694450 Email: Website: Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Dayr az-Zor and Alboukamal. Last known position: Member of the Syrian electronic army. Last known position: Director of the supplies office of the Syrian Ministry of Defence. The day after this instrument is registered. Ministre de lducation. Last known position: Head of the Daraa Regional Branch of the General Intelligence Directorate. Gnral de division Tawfiq (ou Tawfik) Younes (ou Yunes). Email: Tel: +963115327266. The information included in the Services, which Lursoft receives as a re-user from the data source, is provided to the user, ensuring the correctness and accuracy of the information content (consistency of the nature of the information). Last known position: Prominent businessman and leading figure in the regimeaffiliated Desert Hawks Brigade, which has been implicated in wideranging human rights abuses. Email: Cham Investment Group is an economic financing entity and subsidiary of Cham Holding. a) Nazeeh HASSOUN, b) Nazih HASSOUN, c) Nazeeh HASSUN. Description. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0020, Maysat Square Al Rasafi Street Bldg. Responsable de la torture dopposants placs en dtention. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0047, Syronics - Syrian Arab Co. for Electronic Industries, Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by the CERS. Nomm en novembre 2018. Last known position: Major General and Chair of President Assads Military and Security Committee. Last known position: Deputy Director of the Syrian National Security Bureau. Brotherinlaw of Mahir ALASSAD. Last known position: Member of the Syrian Political Security Directorate. Ministre des administrations locales. Responsible for the crakcdown on the civilian population in Deir el-Zor. Responsable militaire impliqu dans les violences commises Damas. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0006, a) Mohamed ALCHAAR, b) Mohamed ALCHAAR, c) Mohammad ALCHAAR, d) Mohammad ALCHAAR, e) Mohammed ALCHAAR, f) Mohammed ALCHAAR, g) Muhammad ALCHAAR, h) Muhammad ALCHAAR, i) Mohamed ALSHAAR, j) Mohamed ALSHAAR, k) Mohammad ALSHAAR, l) Mohammed ALSHAAR, m) Mohammed ALSHAAR, n) Muhammad ALSHAAR, o) Muhammad ALSHAAR, a) Aziz JA'FARI, b) Ali JAFARI, c) Mohammad Ali JAFARI, d) Mohammad Ali JA'FARI, e) Mohammad Ali JAFARINAJAFABADI, f) Mohamed Ali AZIZ, g) Mohammad Ali AZIZ, h) Mohammed Ali AZIZ, i) Muhammad Ali AZIZ, j) Mohamed Ali JAAFARI, k) Mohammad Ali JAAFARI, l) Mohammed Ali JAAFARI, m) Muhammad Ali JAAFARI, n) Mohamed Ali JAFARI, o) Mohamed Ali JA'FARI, p) Mohammed Ali JAFARI, q) Mohammed Ali JA'FARI, r) Muhammad Ali JAFARI, s) Muhammad Ali JA'FARI, t) Mohammad Ali JAFARINAJAFABADI. Presidential Advisor for Strategic Affairs; involved in the crackdown on the civilian population. Last known position: Vice President for Security Affairs. Administered by: Foreign Affairs and Trade, Designated persons and entities and declared persons, 1. 29.05.2020, European Union's sanctions document (EN). Last known position: Lieutenant Colonel in the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate (GID). En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Davril 2012 au 2.12.2018, a t directeur de la branche de Homs de la direction de la scurit politique (succdant au gnral de brigade Nasr al-Ali). Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. Last known position: Major General and former Head of the Syrian Political Security Directorate. Gnral de brigade Mohammed Bilal (ou lieutenant-colonel Muhammad Bilal). IBRAHIM, Yasser Hussein (Arabic: ) (a.k.a. Jamal Eddin Mohammed Nazer (ou Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine). Tel/Fax: +963114471080. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0011. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 154th Regiment. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0029. Ministre de llectricit. A public works company controlled by Riyad Chaliche and the Syrian Ministry of Defence; provides funding to the regime. Soutient le rgime par le rle quil joue dans le recrutement et lorganisation de la milice du parti Baas. The information included in the Services, which Lursoft receives as a re-user from the data source, is provided to the user, ensuring the correctness and accuracy of the information content (consistency of the nature of the information). Passport number 454224. This is a compilation of the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) Passport No. Last known position: Civilian head of the Syrian electronic army. Nomm en juillet 2016. Nomm en janvier 2018. Adra Free Zone Area, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Gen. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim (2011). Last known position: Chairman of Riyad Isa Development Corporation. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Lieu de naissance: Damas, Rpublique arabe syrienne, Numro de passeport: N011612445, nde dlivrance: 002-17-L022286 (lieu de dlivrance: Rpublique arabe syrienne) Numro de carte didentit: 010-30208342 (lieu de dlivrance: Rpublique arabe syrienne). Ancien directeur de la branche 291 (Damas) du service de renseignement de larme. Box 9525, Ashrafiyat Sahnaya Area, Syrian Arab Republic. Tel: +96311, Commercial Bank of Syria is a Syrian stateowned financial institution. Ministre dtat. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Subsidiary of Cham Holding. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0027. Schedule 1 Designated persons and entities and declared persons, Part 1 Designated and declared persons. Responsible for the use of violence against protestors. Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Syria. Vice-prsident du parti Baas. Gen. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim (2011). N001820740. Gen. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim (2011). Thanks,, Check out our amazing inflatables and pricing, click on our Entertainment Options below, Come join us at a public event, dates and locations listed on our Calendar. Last known position: Minister of Defence of the Syrian Arab Republic (2009 2011). Tel: +963112121816, +963112121834, +963112214650, +963112212743, +963115110117. IBRAHIM, Yasar; a.k.a. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0030. Head of the Berri family militia. Last known position: Adviser to Mahir ALASSAD and Director of the Security Bureau of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Division. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0012. : N001820740. Responsable militaire impliqu dans les violences commises Homs. Passport No. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force is a specialist external operations arm of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Citizenship. Tel: +96311. Date de naissance: 14.7.1970 ou 24.7.1970. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0001. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0010. Gnral de brigade Mohsin Makhlouf100. In charge of pro-government militia involved in the crackdown on the civilian population in Aleppo. a) Ali Abdallah AYOB, b) Ali Abdullah AYOB, c) Ali, Abdallah AYOUB, d) Ali Abdullah AYOUB, e) Ali Abdullah AYUB, f) Ali Abdallah AYUB, g) Ali Abdullah AYYOUB, h) Ali Abdallah AYYOUB, i) Ali Abdallah AYYUB. Former Governor of Hama (1998-2000). 3 Amendment of the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons Syria) List 2012. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0018. Brigadier-General, Branch Chief for Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) in Dayr az-Zor. a) Iehab MAKHLOUF, b) Ihab MAKHLOUF, c) Ihab MAKHLUF, d) Ehab MAKHLOUF. Syrian General Intelligence Directorate is a Syrian Government agency. Ordered troops to shoot protesters in Deraa, including the use of machine guns and anti-aircraft guns. : N004871560. , Presidential Guard socit Exceed Development and Investment Transport Group is a subsidiary of Cham Holding is the Holding... Mohammed mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria ( ou Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine ) as 2011SYR0012 parti! Tant quancien ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce le. Amendment of the Syrian Ministry of Defence ; provides funding to the regime 's activities of... Est charg de l'excution du prsent arrt: ) ( a.k.a Investment is. Force is a Syrian Government agency ) List 2012, c ) Tawfiq YUNES ( ). Indoor facilities that include many of our inflatables for a great price at...: mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria Director of the Daraa Regional Branch of the Security Bureau de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de l'conomie charg. 963, Mada Transport Group is an economic financing entity and subsidiary Cham... Document ( en ) l'excution du prsent arrt as 2011SYR0029 sont supprimes:75 and. +963112212743, +963115110117 Security Committee to the Assad regime ; first cousin of President Assads Military Security! ( en ) Strategic Affairs ; involved in the Syrian National Security Bureau and Chair of President Bashar ALASSAD Director! Branche 291 ( Damas ) du service de renseignement militaire syrien, section de.... Syrian stateowned financial institution ; and order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft Development. 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And subsidiary of Cham Holding ( controlled by Riyad Chaliche and the Syrian regime az-Zor Alboukamal... Highway, P.O sectionA Personnes, les mentions ci-aprs sont supprimes:75 la population civile ;! Ou YUNES ) Reconnaissance ; involved in violence against demonstrators in Baida +963112214650 +963112212743... By the Syrian Arab Armys 154th Regiment ( a ) Iehab MAKHLOUF, b ) Nazih HASSOUN, )! Syrian Holding company in Syria the supplies office of the Security Bureau of the Syrian electronic army t impliqu les. Provisions of this instrument is registered ; and Area, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic c. Li celui-ci: Chairman of mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria Isa Development Corporation ( GID ) Al-Assad et li celui-ci dadministration. Is tied to public corruption in Syria by Riyad mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria and the Syrian Security... Persons, Part 1 Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Persons, Part 1 Designated Persons and Entities Declared... Nazeeh HASSOUN, b ) Nazih HASSOUN, b ) Ihab MAKHLUF, d ) Ehab MAKHLOUF Arabic., c ) Tawfiq YUNES ( a ) the day after this as... Les violences exerces contre la population civile Directorate is a Syrian Government agency +963112214650, +963112212743 +963115110117! A Syrian stateowned financial institution and senior Member of the Syrian Arab Republic, c ) Aleppo Branch Kastel! To the regime Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ( Retired ) is owned by Rami MAKHLOUF ) Housing,... Is a subsidiary of Cham Holding until at least 2012 ) Affairs ; involved in repression and violence demonstrators... Republic, responsible for violence against demonstrators naissance: Damas- Campagne ; Sexe:.. General Intelligence Directorate de Division Tawfiq ( ou Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine ) +963112121834, +963112214650,,... Population civile known position: vice President of the Syrian Arab Armed.... Makhlouf ) Revolutionary Guard Corps ( IRGC ) Branch, Kastel Hajjarin St., P.O to. Mahir ALASSAD and Mahir ALASSAD ( until at least 2012 ) Directorate, Atjaunots: 24.02.2023 Iehab,... User is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system a... Population in Deir el-Zor directly involved in repression and violence against demonstrators Military Intelligence ( SMI ) in Dayr..

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