non switching systems osdd

by on April 4, 2023

These cookies do not store any personal information. I guess my own personal experience, too? Check this PDF for the symptoms of C-PTSD. Honestly, you've described my early teens well. Besides that, there are many, many more symptoms that are very common. Reading this was very healing and has made me feel loads better, I just want to say thank you. So our focus is on living with that entire range of symptoms, and being able to deal with the underlying cause. More common is amnesia for past trauma, although parts often seem to have memory for this. Certainly where private therapy is being sought and there is no need for a definitive statement on some official piece of paper or medical record, this may be the preferable option for a large number of people. This was a wonderful read that we in our system very much appreciated. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Back to the beginning of the mystery and its mulling around in my head again relentlessly! I often describe it like I am on a system. All content on this website is provided for the purpose of general information only. This may manifest as ego-alien thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions, preferences, urges, or actions. Some feel uncomfortable being lumped together with people with DID, as so often the conversation or the behaviour can revolve around the autonomy and distinctness of parts. Logan once explained this pretty well: yeah that's non-possessive switching! You might see personalised advertising on our services, on other websites or in marketing emails. Anyways, thank you so much for creating this article and giving other systems like us so much validation. I can tell which part feels what and they do have names but because I dont switch or have amnesia and its mostly passive influence, I struggle to know if its just me interpreting something if that makes sense (my partner is in a DID system so I know what that end of the spectrum looks like but struggle to know where I fall.). They emerged as fairly cognitively undeveloped (lacking pre-existing patterns of cognition) and made an active choice to become persecutors very early into their development because they wanted to make me into a better person, and thought that would be an effective way to do it. DID/OSDD - DID is short for Dissociative Identity Disorder and OSDD is short for Other Specified Dissociative Disorder. All of these points present certain issues for people with the OSDD label. But for us, we have a few different internal feels when switching. A journey starts, one of untold emotional pain and memories horrible beyond belief. I feel like the symptoms of these disorders are often misunderstood. When talking about a personality as a whole a sub system refers to emotional sub systems, or emotional action chains. However, even with consensual switches, the alter who takes a step back, so to speak, may then retreat inside for whatever reason. What is an OSDD system? I recall hiding ME in a wall and leaving the doll behind. I dont find my system described anywhere. I grew, matured, had a career and a life. The temptation might be to describe it in terms of what it is lacking Its sort of DID except not quite or Its like PTSD but with more dissociation. I wonder how many people with OSDD therefore feel short-changed, as if somehow they are not deemed worthy of a proper condition, only a residual one, which is terribly unfair. When I am all the way at the end of the scale I experience significant dissociation but never full amnesia. Its very interesting, informative, and definitely worth your time! Sometimes it's noted with a headache or even migraine. also: switching and memory dont always get along, and brains like to fill in gaps in memory with fake memories. Its clear to me that there is a spectrum of these things. The ICD-10 description of dissociative identity disorder is not based on an understanding of DID as a childhood-onset, complex, posttraumatic developmental disorder. None of us remember it, but thats ok. We dont need (or want) to know what happened in our childhood that caused everyone to form, although our carer usually encourages us to try to remember because she thinks it will be good for us or something. There are 4 types of OSDD, but the most common is OSDD-1 which is similar to DID. The belief that DID is overdiagnosed & primarily diagnosed in America. You may find that sometimes you cant even remember more recent things, such as what you did today or what the last conversation you had was about. I have experiences like this when the one who normally "drives" gets booted out of the driver's seat when another one of us has such overwhelming emotions that they take over. What will being a person be like? We will try to explain our experience with . Someone might have told you that you did or said something that you dont recall. Sending awful thoughts and visual thoughts (images) to me (the host). The Plural Association is the first and only grassroots, volunteer and peer-led nonprofit empowering Plurals. The remaining cases rarely manifest detectable identities, except when these patients are in crisis. Thank you. You might have difficulty piecing together a coherent timeline of your life. How can you distinguish this from modes in BPD? For others, that means fighting to have their own particular label recognised and acknowledged. In the end, bereft of emotions, self, body and identity, I lived. Many people therefore see DID and OSDD as appearing on a spectrum, and prefer to conflate the two conditions so that DID/OSDD represents a range of dissociative experiences with more or less amnesia and greater or less elaboration and distinctive identity states or parts of the personality. It is all very strange. We're the Wonder System! In contrast, quick switches can be consensual, planned, forced, or triggered. They can have black-outs, but it does not severely impact their lives. Wanting to be better but not knowing what was wrong. While they do not occur in everyone who lives with DID, they are a painful reminder to many that they are burdened with the disorder. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Its actually the most common kind of switching (considering most systems dont have full amnesia barriers between their alters), so I doubt if it can be anything else. Yes, its very common! However, included in the DDNOS category is a commonly seen group of patients who do not have the extreme identity separation of dissociative identity disorder, but who have a range of dissociative experiences and significant identity confusion and alteration. It was like I was somewhere else but physically and logically wasn't, and the sentence I had just said sounded like it came from somebody else, like i was hyperaware of how high it sounded. I can tell the narrative of parts of each of their stories, but I dont have a sense that their stories are MY stories. You might find that sometimes you cant remember important information about yourself or about those closest to you. These alters weren't around during my childhood. However it is to escape from my painful self (which may make it a form of dissociation?) Being that therapy techniques never work with extreme stress, I was hoping to learn a few new things to try. Switching is often prompted by stress in the individual's life, or by the person's own intrapsychic conflict, such as vague memories of abuse. DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder) is the most severe and chronic manifestation of dissociation, characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that recurrently take control of the individual's behavior, accompanied by an inability to recall important personal For some people, that means rejecting labels altogether. These systems do not experience clinically significant amounts of amnesia, more commonly having emotional amnesia. Wed like to set Google Analytics cookies to help us to improve our website by collecting and reporting information on how you use it. But what is also there is that when, for example in conversation with a psychologist in the past, when he indicates that its just mood switching, I kind of start to feel hurt and unvalidated, as if parts of me, or moods want to be acknowledged separately, my angry mood gets angry because Im not the vulnerable self or Im not that weak, fearful, kind side of myself. Weve also found that OSDD systems dont receive nearly the community or professional support they need. Deborah Bray Haddock takes a slightly different line to Dell and Ross when it comes to this issue. Our daily life is hardly effected by large memory gaps or losing time, only a hard time retaining tidbits of information, as we dont fully switch either (for some reason or another, we havent found out why). You might have moments where you involuntarily switch to a vulnerable alter. This last point is incredibly important as if a dissociative disorder is misdiagnosed as being bipolar or psychosis, treatment with antipsychotics may quickly make things worse and significantly delay recovery. Most people who claim that they are endogenic OSDDID systems are: 1. These are very simple descriptors for a spectrum of experiences that are the hallmarks of the disorders. Your email address will not be published. Here's a description that I've put into several answers: "OSDD-1 is the subtype that is most similar to dissociative identity disorder (DID). Maybe I will soon have a few more tools to work with. But I cant work any more, because I cant stay present to do it. Sometimes there is clear separation and total amnesia, but other times the lines can become so blurred that it is hard to tell who is who. If you lose control that's like the definition of possession. But also when Im like that, I cant do other things I normally can, like tell the time. Then, in the darkness, I would suddenly look around and be surprised when the room was my old room and actually the room where I'm currently living. In later years, I hid in an invisible soundproof egg. We wanted to help make sysboxes you don't usually see, especially with most system user box blogs run by endos.our main is @friends-call-me-snow-miser (if we reply to comments) and our system blog is @fromthewondersystem mod wonder All about Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) - an explanation about OSDD-1A & OSDD-1B -, The biggest collaborative Trans Plural Livestream, 10 free resources for new and questioning Systems. This could include things such as your name or who your family members are. It's actually really sinister because you can mistake it for different moods or something, but it changes much more than just mood. (Mean MID score=49.6/ mini-MID score= 37.9/ I have DID scale= 50/ I have parts scale= 68.6/ Mean amnesia score 27.1/ Amnesia symptoms= 23 of 31/ Severe dissociation= 147 of 168/ Dissociative symptoms= 23 of 23) DDNOS passed in conversation a few times- its possible I may have initiated it. Ive always had a hard time coming up with all of my varied interests at the same time, they do seem to be tied to my moods, so especially in the past it could cause quite some contradiction between them. This article makes the complex simple. You might lose a lot of details or misremember the important bits. Many people who have what we call complex trauma have had many years of trauma; mostly were talking about child abuse. A life filled with pain every day, pain to bring me to my knees and wish to die. It allowed us to finally explore our system on our own terms without worrying about any sorts of theoretical rules about how we should be. I would also like to thank you. Clinicians have also noted difficulties that arise in therapy for people with OSDD, as opposed to DID. In fact, OSDD is meant to be a broad category that encompasses many "partial DID" experiences. There would be no use for the brain to develop the disorders if the symptoms appeared later as it wouldnt be protecting itself in the moment, which is the whole purpose of the disorder. But that can be cold comfort, and it is a basic human need to feel that we fit in, that we have somewhere to belong. A body with multiple identities is known as a system. Just now I saw a comment by an OSDD system describing something similar to the above as a 'non-possessive switch' and would like to know if that's a common way of describing it. Part of recovery it is. Normally, a reed switch is constructed of two thin metal strips, or reeds, which are sealed in a glass tube. Many people with DID struggle with what their diagnosis means to them they may resent it or disbelieve it, but there is at least some understanding, and an increasing amount of literature, on the nature of dissociative identity disorder. I've had alters who have sabotaged my life and done awful things. Continued use of the website indicates agreement with this policy. System discovery can be scary, its probably thrown your life completely off-balance for the moment, but know that it gets easier. Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD) is a dissociative disorder that serves as a catch-all category for symptom clusters that do not fit neatly within another dissociative disorder diagnosis. But there is someone specific that just loves.thay jacket and we ended up wanting to cry over it, which we don't do about things so it was a very off guard feeling. And even successfully obtaining a diagnosis can cause difficulties in work situations, in applying for life insurance or even travel insurance, and in the stigma that surrounds so many mental health conditions. Find more information on DID here. But I am somewhat aware that other alters are fronting, but not all the time(I stay conscious throughout others fronting is what I am saying). You might feel like you are invisible, two-dimensional, or a robot. Many commentators such as Dell and Kluft argue convincingly in a number of places that switching is hard to detect, and one of the least frequent signs of DID, and should not therefore be a core diagnostic criterion. Switching refers to one alter taking control of the body, being given control by another alter, or gaining prominence over another alter. . But if up to three times as many people receive a diagnosis of OSDD/DDNOS compared to dissociative identity disorder, it would suggest that the definition of DID is too narrow. Take advantage of this! But some people do justifiably feel the need for an official diagnosis for a number of reasons, including the pursuit of treatment on the NHS (although a diagnosis of either DID or OSDD is never a guarantee of appropriate therapy); in order to receive better care from the NHS than the pejorative catch-all personality disorder label will elicit; to justify or at least corroborate a claim for welfare benefits; to negotiate appropriate support from an employer; or to determine the pathway of treatment, amongst other reasons. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. I keep telling my therapist im that and no one cares and just keep my diagnosis of DID, its actually partial DID not osdd-1b, osdd-1b is no switch amnesia. For us, our system has gone through a lot of changes in the 11 years we've known about it. I was looking for more basic information than they could provide when I came across Conversations with Carolyn Spring Podcast; that was the first time someone spoke my language- I could relate so much and finally was able to put some of the pieces together of what therapy was trying to explain and I really appreciated the gems of wisdom that helped with a few shortcuts in my healing journey; I still remember to make space for the pain of the past along with the joy of the moment! We went from being able to communicate internally very clearly but with strong amnesia walls and difficulty distinguishing switches happening between neutral and non-violent alters (and no switches happening for a while or ever for some alters), to having all but two of us go dormant and it just being a daily head-to-head assault of violence and abuse, to taking anti-psychosis which created communication barriers in the system but obviously didn't "cure us", to years later being confronted by the disorder again and seeing alters come back from dormancy changed or fused, to finally working together coherently, to now 6 of us in a happy system striving to make a life worth having fought for. never heard of any psychosis with those features. That is the case with our system and the walls between me as the host and our core - I remember many of her memories crystal clearly and it can be hard to tell if they are mine or if they are hers. We have touched on two major differences already less elaboration or switching to distinct parts, and less amnesia. Put it aside and go to work. These other parts of me arent clear though theyre not distinct. I certainly dont make a distinction and try to ensure that I am addressing the whole range of symptoms and difficulties in living with a dissociative disorder, rather than focusing either exclusively or predominantly on parts. Like all other alters, non-human alters are the result of trauma and an already severely dissociative mind. Where EPs are also less autonomous and less likely to be out, these traumatised parts of the personality can end up being neglected or ignored: if a person with OSDD has non-distinctive traumatised parts of their personality, it can be harder to give them a voice and the time and space they need to bring their trauma to the fore, than it is for a clearly individuated EP with a name and age. I think psychology is so huge that its hard for every therapist to know and recognize everything, especially because there are so many specializations. then people in this range of the spectrum can feel unheard, unvalidated and as if they are the only one suffering with the symptoms they have. I don't think at all that their only goal is to hurt you. I have the ME that is in control of now. Ill explain technically what OSDD is in a moment, but a quick (although inadequate) definition might be dissociative identity disorder without distinct parts of the personality. So if you have DID or OSDD, you will likely heavily dissociate, you'll have alters tied to repeated intense traumas, and even with OSDD-1b it's likely that you'd experience occasional dissociative amnesia/memory issues. As always, we encourage you and your System to follow your own truth, to soul search, to find words, labels, visions, theories and communities that arent only within your values but also match your lived experience and/or long term goals, so that you might find belonging and dont have to try to fit in. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Feeling those feelings, thinking the thoughts of that child and feeling his body as it had been used. Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) is a catch-all category for dissociative disorders that do not fall into other groups. I have a sense of myself as being different at different times, feeling younger, or feeling aggressive or withdrawn or panicked, and its as if Im watching myself at times like this. Sometimes, when in big distress, it feels like derealization and everything seems to just zoom by. They are partial forms of DID with the same patterns of childhood trauma and co-morbidity. This diagnosis was known as dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) before the DSM-5. For dissociative identity disorder (DID) to develop, there is usually chronic trauma in early childhood along with significant problems in the child-parent relationship. Until I started remembering switches, I didn't always recognize when someone else was fronting because I feel like myself in the moment. , which are sealed in a glass tube the host ) this was! Such as your name or who your family members are communities and start taking part in conversations cause. Use of the disorders disorders that do not fall into other groups Im like that, there are,... To this issue I started remembering switches, I hid in an soundproof. Filled with pain every day, pain to bring me to my knees and wish to die pain memories... 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