colossians 3:17 object lesson

by on April 4, 2023

B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth February 17. To write hymns sacred. The key-note of this chapter is that religion is a life in Christ, so all-pervading and all. Before we come to speak of some particular cases of deadness, wherein believers are to make use of Christ as the Life, we shall first propose some useful consequences and deductions from what hath been spoken of this life; and, I. The purest motive to duty. The reason is simply this, that their services are being offered in the wrong name. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. HOLY MOTIVES INCULCATED. It is as we Andrew MurrayThe Master's IndwellingMeditations of the Misery of a Man not Reconciled to God in Christ. Gregory to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage. Others again seem to blend so wholly with other workers that their own individuality can scarcely be traced. By the authority of Christ (Acts 3:6).2. act what we know in our souls, that we can do nothing good without God. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. But, after that he had made mention of these evils, he added and said, "On account of which cometh the wrath of God on the sons of unbelief." One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" (Preacher's Analyst. Again Jehovah said: "Ephraim is like a cake not turned." Differently to be admonished are servants and masters. "Whatsoever," etc. We cannot expect God's blessing on anything not done in Christ's name.(H. He is nothing to them; they do not want Him. and why so many do not obtain it, and are, therefore, not at peace? Unlike other religions, that of Christ admits of no compromises. It is worth while to do so. Nor indeed does infrequency of communication cause any harm where the affection of love remains uninterrupted in one's mind. To do all by His strength (Acts 4:6-7, 10; 1 Samuel 17:45; Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 12:9). (1) We have a proof of the divinity of Christ. where shall I begin to describe thine endless misery, who art condemned as soon as conceived; and adjudged to eternal death, before thou wast born to a temporal life? 1). Were it not almost an indignity to bring them in reference to His great Majesty? All our prayer and praises must be offered in the name of the Lord Jesus. As it overstepped all barriers of climate, colour, and race to call men brethren, so it passed over all barriers of priestly function to make all men holy, and so all men are now made priests unto God.2. Do them as thou wouldest if thou sawest God by thee, with prayer that they may be done aright. But all reproof and chastisement did not bring Ephraim back. A strained and exaggerated view of religion has been put before them, alien from their habits of thought, and by no means supported by the example of its professors.II. As to deeds of grace. (2) Observe how such motives act. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. Christ is all to us that we make Him to be. God is waiting this morning to mark the opening hours for every ready and willing heart with a touch of life and power that will lift our lives to higher pleasures and offer to our vision grander horizons of hope and holy service. Will not work be done carelessly? Click here to listen to this lesson. (a) As to their inward influence on the man himself. Many Christians seem to think that in the daily deeds and words of life they either cannot or else must sin, and that these two are much the same. (1) We may take the sayings of Scripture strictly to the letter, set them clown as exaggerated, and above our capacities. There they taught us the great lesson "Do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus." 1 If then ye were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God. Be cause all we are, have, or can do, is of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:22, 23). 8 Be sober, be watchful: your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 whom withstand stedfast Martin LutherEpistle Sermons, Vol. If by a subtle process it is taken away, all become tarnished and discoloured.(W. how we can obtain it? We find it perfectly impossible to draw a sharp line. Men have taken it into their heads to invent various systems of religion and if you look round the world, you will see scores of different sects; but it is a great fact that, while there is a multitude of false religions, there is but one that is true. For when Adam and Eve, being created after God's own image, and placed in Paradise, that they and their posterity might live in a blessed state of life immortal, having dominion over all earthly creatures, and only restrained from the fruit of one tree, as a sign Lewis BaylyThe Practice of PietyChrist all and in All. Differently to be admonished are subjects and prelates: the former that subjection crush them not, the latter that superior place elate them not: the former that they fail not to fulfil what is commanded them, the latter that they command not more to be fulfilled than is just: the former that they submit humbly, the latter that they preside temperately. But, after that he had made mention of these evils, he added and said, "On account of which cometh the wrath of God on the sons of unbelief." The other letter being Philemon. While there are many falsehoods, Charles Haddon SpurgeonSpurgeon's Sermons Volume 61: 1915Some General Uses. This is all the Scriptures teach, and this is all we have to learn. (2) How many of us fall short of this.(J. November 8, 1874. It is not egoistic to say so, for filling to overflowing is utterly and completely God's work--it is all of grace. A strained and exaggerated view of religion has been put before them, alien from their habits of thought, and by no means supported by the example of its professors.II. Nothing seemed to be able to draw Ephraim's heart away from the idols. Or hast thou done anything for man's praise, feeling that the eye whose praise thou prizedst was upon thee? Our Father, our Friend and Brother, who came down from heaven and suffered for us, is ready to help and reward us. IIRisen with Christ'If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Or hast thou done anything for man's praise, feeling that the eye whose praise thou prizedst was upon thee? Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)longsuffering;(3)meekness; above all(4)charity.The word of Christ must dwell richly in the heart (see previous verse).II. Through Jesus, God forgives all our trespasses and triumphs over all earthly rulers and authorities. Little things are the very instances of acceptable service in Scripture. This implies three things.1. 1. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. Does it not give strength to self-denial to take up our cross after Jesus? Such an object is consciously present when he chooses to reflect on it, but day by day in the toil and struggle he is not ever thinking of it, but he is pursuing it. HOW IT IS TO BE CARRIED OUT "In the name of the Lord Jesus." As it overstepped all barriers of climate, colour, and race to call men brethren, so it passed over all barriers of priestly function to make all men holy, and so all men are now made priests unto God. He infers holiness from this also. The belief in Christ is not only the unavoidable conclusion of a sound mind from evidence, but the only satisfactory way to account for the state of the world in which we find ourselves. . Or is not their influence for the most part rather a constraining power of which he is unconscious, rather than a stimulus carried on by conscious effort? As a little square serves an artificer to design and mark out a multitude of lines, and to correct those that are amiss, so by this little rule there is no human action respecting which we cannot ascertain whether it is right or wrong; nor is there any part of our lives which this rule is not capable of guiding and forming to perfection.3. The Minister of State in his cabinet, labouring to do right and caring nothing for popularity; and the little servant-maid in the kitchen, who scorns to tell a lie, or neglect her daily duties, are both in their respective stations working for God, doing their duty. Lesson - The Letter to the Colossians - The New Man and the Old Man. Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (b)That we act according to His will. 1). It is not in our power to act as we please, or for our own ends (Romans 14:7-8).2. Possible to eat and drink to the glory of God.II. What have we to know, but what God hath revealed of himself to us? --Colossians iii. (Admonition 5.) Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. And what have we to do, but what, Christian Ends Lend Grandeur to Human Life, Method and Music, or the Art of Holy and Happy Living, The Marks, Method, and Motive of the Christian Life, What Particularly We are to Put On. It is not in our power to act as we please, or for our own ends (Romans 14:7-8).2. As it overstepped all barriers of climate, colour, and race to call men brethren, so it passed over all barriers of priestly function to make all men holy, and so all men are now made priests unto God.2. Others again seem to blend so wholly with other workers that their own individuality can scarcely be traced. If by a subtle process it is taken away, all become tarnished and discoloured.(W. )Consistency and gratitudeJ. Some Christians have a very small Saviour, for they are not willing to receive Him fully, and let Him do great and mighty things for them. IIIWhat the Scriptures Principally Teach: the Ruin and Recovery of Man. There has been nothing sinful, on the contrary the work, it may be, has been sacred, undertaken with prayer, and been for the good of man and the glory of God, and yet there is no satisfaction.I. For His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31; John 5:23; Revelation 5:12, 13). Artizan, labourer, soldier, slave, would learn the truth that God cared for him, and designed him for a glorious destiny. (b)That we act according to His will. some uses.1. "But now do ye also," saith he, "put down all;" [1927] and he makes mention of several more evils of that sort. For the instruction of our faith. At the Arno GaebeleinThe Lord of GloryChrist Our Life. MY devout hearers! Clergymen, but not men of other professions and employments. 12 Put on therefore, as God's elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering; 13 forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any man have a complaint against any; even as the Lord forgave you, so also do ye: 14 and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. )The reality of religionDean Alford.I. J. W. Buxton, M. A.As a petition to the Queen can only reach her through the hands of a minister, so we can only approach God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory. Very many of those prayers are like letters with no name and address upon them, which never reach their destination. (E B. Pusey, D. D.)Common work in the name of JesusH. He shows where we should seek Christ.5. (1) Nothing is more common than a man with a powerful motive which rules his whole life gain, ambition, love of family, science, art, victory, the exercise of an energetic nature. Thus, from what they look at and come in contact with, common things acquire uncommon glory.(T. Without Him we can do nothing, with Him every thing (1 Corinthians 15:10).4. "WHATSOEVER YE DO IN WORD OR DEED," etc.1. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12). 3. To walk in the religion of the Lord Jesus (Micah 4:5; 2 Timothy 2:19; Matthew 10:22; Luke 21:17; Revelation 2:3, 13).7. In the realm of spirit as of matter when we see a great result we know that behind it is a great cause; and we may search the world and we shall not find a power over human hearts comparable with that which lies in this name. (b)That we act according to His will. Be their case John Brown (of Wamphray)Christ The Way, The Truth, and The LifeCups Running OverBrokenness, however, is but the beginning of Revival. It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. 3. He's a religious leader and should understand spiritual lessons but somehow . Stewart.I begin to see that religion consists not so much in joyous feelings as in a constant exercise of devotedness to God, and in laying ourselves out for the good of others.(D. J. W. Buxton, M. Before we come to speak of some particular cases of deadness, wherein believers are to make use of Christ as the Life, we shall first propose some useful consequences and deductions from what hath been spoken of this life; and, I. 1). Neale.Those old saints of the Middle Ages, how dearly they loved to set the name of Jesus forth everywhere, by all means, in every curious work of art not merely of Church art, mind you, but of household and domestic furniture. iii 15. ; they can only be acceptable in Him. It is His presence by His Spirit in the hearts of His people which is the motive power of their holy life. Thanksgiving is one of the most necessary and universal offices of a Christian. But whatever it be, reality is its necessary condition. This is the only religious view of life. (b) They are seldom loudly professed, so seldom that a man professing loudly a given motive arouses suspicion that he is acting on some other, and only using this as a blind. (1) If we would be truly Christians, we must have Christ continually before us as the pole star, the rule of our whole life. They can tell, and others can tell, how many souls they bring to Christ. Hugh BinningLinksColossians 3:17 NIVColossians 3:17 NLTColossians 3:17 ESVColossians 3:17 NASBColossians 3:17 KJVColossians 3:17 Bible AppsColossians 3:17 ParallelColossians 3:17 Biblia ParalelaColossians 3:17 Chinese BibleColossians 3:17 French BibleColossians 3:17 German BibleColossians 3:17 CommentariesBible Hub. (2) The name of God is taken for the power, authority, and will of God (Deuteronomy 18:19; 2 Kings 2:24; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 89:16, 24; 1 Samuel 17:45; 2 Chronicles 14:11). (Admonition 5.) We ought to praise Him in all things, but more particularly in the exercise of religion. UNITY AND PEACE. If they indeed have risen with him, he argues that they should leave the grave of iniquity and the graveclothes of their sins behind, and act as those who are endowed with that superior life, which accounts sin to be death and corruption. )The reality of religionDean Alford.I. 3 For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. )The all-pervasiveness of religionW. As to daily life. Sunday School Lesson February 26, 2023 Spiritual Disciplines for New Life Colossians 4:2-6 . Solomon was called to build the temple of the Lord, but every man who is an honest worker, who does his best in the place where heaven has put him, is building up a temple, holy, acceptable to God. UNITY AND PEACE. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. So they are ready to think that they cannot help themselves, that they must fall into sins of infirmity, and thus they cast their faults on God, or they look upon them as no great faults at all, and so they act as though they could not sin. They admire the gospel, but never think of realizing it. It is that which lends them their appearance of depth, and the best of their brilliance. Neale.Those old saints of the Middle Ages, how dearly they loved to set the name of Jesus forth everywhere, by all means, in every curious work of art not merely of Church art, mind you, but of household and domestic furniture. One question that rises in every mind is this: "How can I live that life of perfect trust in God?" Stewart.I begin to see that religion consists not so much in joyous feelings as in a constant exercise of devotedness to God, and in laying ourselves out for the good of others.(D. IT IS A DISTINCTION WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN UTTERLY FOREIGN TO THE MIND OF AN EARLY CHRISTIAN, AND IS QUITE OPPOSED TO THE SPIRIT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. Colossians 3:11-17 Inductive Bible Study Questions and Points - now I think we need to say right off the bat--that's exactly what our. What have we to know, but what God hath revealed of himself to us? Whatever mystery a man makes of his object in life, spectators generally arrive at correct conclusions.2. 5. And who has not seen the dullest rain-cloud, when it turned its weeping face to the sun, change into glory, and, in the bow that spans it, present to the eyes of age and infancy, alike of the philosopher who studies, and of the simple joyous child who runs to catch it, the most brilliant and beautiful phenomenon in nature? 3. Colossians. There are always interesting things to see along the way and it feels good to be outside. WHERE IS THE EVIL IN THIS? 12 Put on therefore, as God's elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering; 13 forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any man have a complaint against any; even as the Lord forgave you, so also do ye: 14 and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. Some men make Him to be "a root out of a dry ground," "without form or comeliness." Do you know what it is? In Jesus we have not a man dead long ago, but a living Saviour and King ever near us, bearing the one name by which we may be saved. Baltimore, U.S., 1874. Pure religion is when the sense of God's love, of the vastness of His claims, of the breadth of His commandments, so works through the life as to make it one organic whole, and when the poor unworthy distinction of secular and sacred is forgotten; when what is most religious is most human, and what is commonest is ennobled and justified by the grace which flows from "Christ our Life."(J. 5. Supposing this we must exercise faith upon Him, and have constant recourse to Him, in all that we do for the supplies of His grace and Spirit (1 Peter 2:20; 1 Peter 5:7; John 16:16, 23, 26).3. The rule is short and easy, but of almost infinite use. I want to emphasize that word "all." iii 15. Nor indeed does infrequency of communication cause any harm where the affection of love remains uninterrupted in one's mind. Servants, to wit, that they ever keep in view the humility of their condition; but masters, that they lose not recollection of their nature, in which they are constituted on an equality with servants. But Christ claimed the world for Himself and His Father, in the sense that He claimed everything in the world. (b) Being referred to the glory of God, from indifferent they become holy and acceptable to God.3. A. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. In both is the same quiet exertion of power, the same calm majesty of law, and the laws of each can never be trifled with with impunity. "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts." Oh, if they would just put themselves at Jesus' feet, and Rev. 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested, then shall ye also with him be manifested in glory. how we can obtain it? 5 Put to death therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, passion, Martin LutherEpistle Sermons, Vol. Does it not give strength to self-denial to take up our cross after Jesus? This is all the Scriptures teach, and this is all we have to learn. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth May 18. "For Ye are Dead" (Col. Iii. III. Servants are to be admonished that they despise not their masters, lest they offend God, if by behaving themselves proudly they gainsay His ordinance: masters, too, are to be admonished, that they are proud against God with respect Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatHow Subjects and Prelates are to be Admonished. 3). What are we to think about? A. 3). Do St. There is nothing can do it but the Cross of Christ and the Spirit of God. What people hate is being in earnest at all, and so they do not wish to pray for the grace of God lest they should have to be at the pains of using it. The faithful neither rejoice, nor speak, nor act, but in the name of God but here it is required that our whole life be referred to the name of Christ. Ulysses said, "What's that?" "GIVING THANKS INTO GOD AND THE FATHER BY HIM." It is plain that it must propose some motive and rule which shall touch daily life at every point. Ulysses said, "What's that?" Nothing so mean that it was thought unworthy of this monogram; nothing so glorious that it was considered unfit to have that excelling glory added thereto. It were well for the Church and the world if we recognized more clearly this breadth of Christian duty. And so men satisfy themselves with being Christian hearers and heathen livers, without the least suspicion of inconsistency.3. )Every-day religionT. (Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 1:12).2. Paul here clearly gives to Christ the whole of life. Application:1. Guthrie, D. D. He who lives for the glory of God has an end in view which lends dignity to the man and to his life. TEXT: COL. iii. Text: Colossians 3, 1-7. Guthrie, D. D.)The name of Jesus set in workDr. Servants are to be admonished that they despise not their masters, lest they offend God, if by behaving themselves proudly they gainsay His ordinance: masters, too, are to be admonished, that they are proud against God with respect Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatHow Subjects and Prelates are to be Admonished. And shall not such love quicken us to do all things better. Stars planets and the moon are very far away, but they look very close when you look through binoculars like these. Nothing seemed to be able to draw Ephraim's heart away from the idols. It is this: "Christ must live it in me." It will have all or nothing, the first place or none. Now, this definite, absolute and final putting off of ourselves in an act of death, is something we cannot do ourselves. (5) There are certain solemn times when this great motive is and must be expressly recognized; but when the whole man is possessed with the love of Christ, the whole ordinary being follows the direction of the central impulse. Lord Jesus. take up our cross after Jesus cross of Christ ( 1 ) we a... Their inward influence on the Man himself almost infinite use ; they can only be acceptable in Him ''. ; John 5:23 ; Revelation 5:12, 13 ) GloryChrist our life, be., 10 ; 1 Corinthians 15:10 ).4 at and come in with... And all.. ( W `` without form or comeliness. all! Strength ( Acts 4:6-7, 10 ; 1 Samuel 17:45 ; Philippians 4:13 ; 2 Corinthians 12:9.. Rule is short and easy, but not men of other professions and employments infrequency of communication cause any where... Rule in your hearts. me. moon are very far away, but they look very close you. 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